1.have an ace in your hand (British) have an ace in the hole(American) 握有王牌,很有把握 When you have the ace in your hand,you have something which you can use to gain an advantage when you need it. have an ace in the hole(American)
2.a class act (在运动或演艺方面)很出色的人 I have been tracking Neil for a year,he is a class act and I have got a lot respect for his ability. 我已跟踪尼尔一年,他是个出色的家伙,我很崇拜他的能力。
3.break one’s back 努力地工作 When you’re breaking your back to make an enterprise work,it’s going to cut into your time with family. 当你全身心投入工作的时候,回侵占到家庭生活的时间。
4.get someone’s back up (American) put someone’s back up (British) 激怒某人 What does get my back up is a girlfriend who gets too jealous if someone else finds me attractive.
5.cap in hand (British) hat in hand (American) 求助,乞讨 He ended up going hat in hand to the neighbours. 他沦落到向邻居乞讨。
6.in the cards(American) on the cards(British) 可能发生 He believes an invasion was never in the cards. 他相信入侵永不会发生。
7.a change of heart 态度的改变
8.get no change out of someone 从某人处没有得到任何帮助 You won’t get any change out of him,so don’t expect it . 你不会从他那儿得到任何帮助,别指望了。
9.chapter and verse 所有细节 The instruction gives you chapter and verse 使用说明给出了所有细节。
10.cut to the chase 言归正传 He talked about the need to see all points of view,then he cut to the chase.
11.cut a dash (外表)给人留下深刻印象 Tania cut a daring dash with a dress slashed almost to the waist .
12.in the dark 一无所知;蒙在鼓里 keep somebody in the dark 不让某人知道
13.out of one’s depth 力所不能及 He felt out of his depth on a diploma course.
14.get one’s just deserts 活该
15.die like a dog 凄苦地死去(古)
16.every dog has its day 风水轮流转
17.It’s a dog’s life (抱怨生活或工作不如意)
18.in the doghouse 四面楚歌 Insurance companies are already in the doghouse over poor advice on pensions which has left hundreds of thousands of people worse off.
19.do the donkey work 做乏味的工作
20.do something like a dream 做的很出色 The first stages of installation worked like a dream.
21.all dressed up with nowhere to go 准备充分,但没机会去做 If funding dries up ,the opera houses will be all dressed up ,but with nowhere to go .
22.do something at the drop of a hat 卤莽行事
23.a drop in the ocean/bucket 微不足道,沧海一粟 The size of the grants have been attacked by groups as merely a drop in the ocean.
24.be all ears 洗耳恭听 Now you can say ,I am all ears.
25.down to earth 现实,实际 He is blunt,outspoken,practical and down to earth.
26.get egg on one’s face 感到窘迫,羞耻 Steve didn’t expect to win .He just didn’t want to get egg on his face .
27.a white elephant (形容新的建筑,计划)是浪费的,无用的 This project is completely a white elephant
28.a big fish 大人物,重要角色 The four who were arrested here last September were described as really big fish by the U.S.Drug Enforement Agency.
29.drink like a fish 酒量很大 When I was young I could drink like a fish and eat like a pig. 我年轻时酒量和食量都很惊人。
30.a fool and his money are soon parted (形容花钱不理智)
31.free as the air 自由自在,无拘无束
32.run out of gas (突然感到)疲倦和厌倦
33.the heat is on 压力大 To perform well when the heat is on ,all you have to do is let it happen. 要在大的压力下表现出色,你要做的是任之发生。
34. bring someone to heel 使某人臣服,服从 In practice it’s still not clear how the president will use his power to bring the republics to heel. 实际上,总统将如何使用权利使公众服从还不清楚。
35.cross my heart 发自内心 I promise,cross my heart. 我对天发誓。
36.in seventh heaven 十分高兴 After I was given my first camera,I was in seventh heaven.
37.break a leg 祝演出成功,(注意是祝福语而不是诅咒)
38.live like a king 生活奢华
39.break the ice 打破僵局 I was about to speak when someone broke the ice. 我正要说话,有人打破了僵局。
40.get down to 开始做,处理 The task wasn’t so difficult when I got down to it. 我开始处理这件事的时候,发现并不困难。
41.hold back 抑制,控制 We could not hold ourselves back. 我们没法控制自己。
42.keep one’s word 遵守约定
43.lay aside / set aside 储蓄,积蓄 We must lay something aside for our child’s education.
44.keep an eye on 监视,注视 I don’t know what would happen if I weren’t here to keep an eye on children. 如果我不在这儿监视孩子们,真不知道会发生什么。
45.pull one’s leg 取笑,看不起人
46.pull through 恢复,克服 The patient is pulling through.
47.stand for 代表,象征 What does your first letter stand for?
48.take in 欺骗 She must have been taken in by a salesman.
49.make a point of 重视 Do you make a point of being on time for work.
50.help out 帮忙,协助。 Jerry hurried to help out zhenzhen.