If you are talking medication regularly, you should take what you need with you when you travel. You should also bring a copy of any prescription that you are taking since many drugs are only available by prescription. Drugstores, or pharmacies, sell cosmetics and toiletries as well as many other products. 如果你正在定时服药,那么在外出旅游时,应该随身携带所需药品。你也应该带上你正在服药的处方,因为有许多药只按处方供应。药房或药店还出售化妆品,梳洗用品及其它许多商品。
1.A: I'd like to have this prescription filled. B: It'll only take a few minutes if you want to wait. A: Have you got something for chapped lips? B: Rub this cream on every four hours.
2.A: Could you fill htis prescription for me, please? B: I'll take care of it right away. A: By the way, what do you suggest for insect bites? B: This ointment should help.
3.A: I need to have this prescription filled. B: You can pick it up in about an hour. A: Can you give me something for a rash? B: Try this lotion. It's supposed to be very good.
4.A: Can I leave this prescription with ou? B: I'll have it ready for you by 5:30. A: And I'd like something for a sunburn. B: You might try this. It's a new product.