Sonnet XLV by Edmund Spenser
Sonnet XLV by Edmund Spenser
Leaue lady, in your glasse of christall clene, Your goodly selfe for euermore to vew: and in my selfe, my inward selfe I meane, most liuely lyke behold your semblant trew. Within my hart, though hardly it can shew, thing so diuine to vew of earthly eye: the fayre Idea of your celestiall hew, and euery part remaines immortally: And were it not that through your cruelty, with sorrow dimmed and deformd it were: the goodly ymage of your visnomy, clearer then christall would therein appere. But if your selfe in me ye playne will see, remoue the cause by which your fayre beames darkned be.
爱情十四行诗选之四十五 埃德蒙·斯宾塞
小姐啊,不要去看水晶明镜里 你那美丽的自我,永远别去看: 在我的身上,我是说在我的心底, 来把你的栩栩如生的映像细瞻。 在我的内心,虽然它很难展现 世俗的眼睛看不见的神圣事物, 你那天国形体的美好理念, 每一部分都永存而不会腐朽。 倘若我心不是因你的残酷 悲伤得暗淡无光,变成了畸形, 那么你美好的映像,你秀丽的面目, 就在我心中清晰得胜过水晶。 你在我心中的自我,你若能看见, 那就请消除使你光辉变暗的根源。