第二百一十七条 质权人在质权存续期间,未经出质人同意转质,造成质押财产毁损、灭失的,应当向出质人承担赔偿责任。 Article 217 Where a pledgee transfers, without consent of the pledger, the pledge within the duration of the pledge right, and thus destroy or loss are caused to the pledged properties, he/it shall make compensations to the pledger.
第二百一十八条 质权人可以放弃质权。债务人以自己的财产出质,质权人放弃该质权的,其他担保人在质权人丧失优先受偿权益的范围内免除担保责任,但其他担保人承诺仍然提供担保的除外。 Article 218 A pledgee may abandon the pledge right. Where an obligor provide the pledge right by his/its own properties, and the pledgee abandons the pledge right, unless any of other security providers promises to provide the security all the same, other security providers' security liability will be exempted within the scope for which the pledgee has lost the right to seek preferred payments. 第二百一十九条 债务人履行债务或者出质人提前清偿所担保的债权的,质权人应当返还质押财产。 债务人不履行到期债务或者发生当事人约定的实现质权的情形,质权人可以与出质人协议以质押财产折价,也可以就拍卖、变卖质押财产所得的价款优先受偿。 质押财产折价或者变卖的,应当参照市场价格。 Article 219 Where the obligor has paid off the debts or the pledger has fulfilled the secured obligee's rights in advance, the pledgee shall return the pledged properties. Where an obligor fails to pay off its due debts or any circumstance for realizing the pledge right as stipulated by the parties concerned happens, the pledgee may, by negotiating with the pledger, convert the pledge into money or seek preferred payments from the money generated from the auction or sell-off of the pledged properties. When converting the pledged properties into money or selling off them,
Article 220 A pledger may, upon expiration of the time limit for paying debts, request the pledgee to exercise the pledge right in a timely manner; if the pledgee fails to do so, the pledger may ask for the people's court to auction or sell off the pledged properties. Where a pledger has requested the pledgee to exercise the pledge right in a timely manner, but the pledgee is lazy to do so and thus damages are caused, the pledgee shall make compensations.
第二百二十一条 质押财产折价或者拍卖、变卖后,其价款超过债权数额的部分归出质人所有,不足部分由债务人清偿。 Article 221 After pledged properties are converted into money, auctioned or sold off, the value exceeding the obligee's rights shall be attributed to the pledger, and the gap shall be paid off by the obligor.
第二百二十二条 出质人与质权人可以协议设立最高额质权。 最高额质权除适用本节有关规定外,参照本法第十六章第二节最高额抵押权的规定。 Article 222 The pledger and the pledgee may, upon negotiation, set up the pledge right of maximum amount. The pledge right of maximum amount shall be governed by, in addition to the related provisions in this Section, the provisions on mortgage right at maximum amount prescribed in Section 1I of Chapter 16 of the present Law by reference.
第二节 权利质权 Section 1I Right Pledge
第二百二十三条 债务人或者第三人有权处分的下列权利可以出质: (一)汇票、支票、本票; (二)债券、存款单; (三)仓单、提单; (四)可以转让的基金份额、股权; (五)可以转让的注册商标专用权、专利权、著作权等知识产权中的财产权; (六)应收账款; (七)法律、行政法规规定可以出质的其他财产权利。 Article 223 Pledge may be established on any of the following rights which an obligor or third party has the right to dispose of: (1) money orders, checks, and cashier's checks; (2) bonds and deposit receipts; (3) warehouse receipts and lading bills; (4) transferable fund units and stock rights; (5) such transferable property rights in intellectual property as exclusive trademark rights, patent rights, copyrights, etc; (6) account receivables; or (7) other property rights that can be pledged as prescribed by any law or administrative regulation.
第二百二十四条 以汇票、支票、本票、债券、存款单、仓单、提单出质的,当事人应当订立书面合同。质权自权利凭证交付质权人时设立;没有权利凭证的,质权自有关部门办理出质登记时设立。 Article 224 The parties concerned shall conclude a written contract for the pledge of a money order, check, cashier's check, securities, deposit receipt, warehouse receipt or bill of lading. The pledge right shall be established after the deliver of the title certificate of the pledge to the pledgee. In case there is no title certificate, the pledge right shall be established after the related department has handled the registration of the pledge.
第二百二十五条 汇票、支票、本票、债券、存款单、仓单、提单的兑现日期或者提货日期先于主债权到期的,质权人可以兑现或者提货,并与出质人协议将兑现的价款或者提取的货物提前清偿债务或者提存。 Article 225 The pledgee may make redemption or pick up the goods, and may, by negotiating with the pledger, seek preferred payments in advance with the redeemed money or the picked up goods, or submit the said money or goods to a competent authority for keeping,in case the date of redemption or delivery of the money order, check, cashier's check, bonds, deposit receipt, warehouse receipt or lading bill of is prior to the deadline of principal obligee's rights.
第二百二十六条 以基金份额、股权出质的,当事人应当订立书面合同。以基金份额、证券登记结算机构登记的股权出质的,质权自证券登记结算机构办理出质登记时设立;以其他股权出质的,质权自工商行政管理部门办理出质登记时设立。 基金份额、股权出质后,不得转让,但经出质人与质权人协商同意的除外。出质人转让基金份额、股权所得的价款,应当向质权人提前清偿债务或者提存。 Article 226 The parties concerned shall enter into a written contract for the pledge of fund units or stock rights. As regards the pledge of fund units or the stock rights that are registered in the securities depository and clearing institution, the pledge right shall be established after the securities depository and clearing institution has handled the registration of the pledge. As regards the pledge of other stock rights, the pledge right shall be established after the administrations for industry and commerce has handled the registration of the pledge. After the fund units or stock rights have been pledged, unless it is otherwise agreed to by the pledger and the pledgee upon negotiations, they may not be alienated. As regards the money incurred from the transfer of fund units or stock rights, the pledger shall fulfill the obligee's rights to the pledgee in advance with it, or submit it to a competent authority for keeping.
第二百二十七条 以注册商标专用权、专利权、著作权等知识产权中的财产权出质的,当事人应当订立书面合同。质权自有关主管部门办理出质登记时设立。 知识产权中的财产权出质后,出质人不得转让或者许可他人使用,但经出质人与质权人协商同意的除外。出质人转让或者许可他人使用出质的知识产权中的财产权所得的价款,应当向质权人提前清偿债务或者提存。 Article 227 As regards the pledge such property rights in the intellectual property as registered trademark rights, patent rights, copyrights,etc, the parties concerned shall enter into a written contract, and the pledge right shall be established after the related competent authority has handled the registration of the pledge. After the property rights in the intellectual property have been pledged, unless it is otherwise agreed to between the pledger and the pledgee upon negotiations, the pledger may not alienate the pledge or permit anyone else to use it. As regards the money incurred from the alienation of the pledged intellectual property or the permission of anyone else to use it, the pledger shall use it to fulfill the obligee's rights in advance, or submit it to a competent authority for keeping.
第二百二十八条 以应收账款出质的,当事人应当订立书面合同。质权自信贷征信机构办理出质登记时设立。 应收账款出质后,不得转让,但经出质人与质权人协商同意的除外。出质人转让应收账款所得的价款,应当向质权人提前清偿债务或者提存。 Article 228 As regards the pledge of receivables, the parties concerned shall enter into a written contract, and the pledge right shall be established after the related credit rating institution has handled the registration of the pledge. After the receivables have been pledged, unless it is otherwise agreed on by the pledger and the pledgee upon negotiations, the pledger may not alienate the pledged receivables. As regards money incurred form the alienation of accounts receivable, the pledger shall use it to fulfill the obligee's rights in advance, or submit it to a competent authority for keeping.
第二百二十九条 权利质权除适用本节规定外,适用本章第一节动产质权的规定。 Article 229 The pledge of rights shall be governed by, in addition to the provisions prescribed in this Section, the provisions in Section 1 of this Chapter on the pledge of chattels.
第十八章 留置权
第二百三十条 债务人不履行到期债务,债权人可以留置已经合法占有的债务人的动产,并有权就该动产优先受偿。 前款规定的债权人为留置权人,占有的动产为留置财产。 Article 230 Where an obligor fails to pay off its due debts, the obligee may take lien of the chattels that are owned by the obligor and lawfully occupied by the obligee, and has the right to seek preferred payments from such chattels. The "obligee" as referred to in the preceding Paragraph shall be the lienor, and the occupied chattels shall be the property under lien.
第二百三十一条 债权人留置的动产,应当与债权属于同一法律关系,但企业之间留置的除外。 Article 231 The chattels taken as lien by the obligee and the obligee's rights shall fall into a same legal relationship, except for the lien between enterprises.
第二百三十二条 法律规定或者当事人约定不得留置的动产,不得留置。 Article 232 As regards chattels of which no lien may be taken as prescribed by law or stipulated by the parties concerned, lien may not be taken of them.
第二百三十三条 留置财产为可分物的,留置财产的价值应当相当于债务的金额。 Article 233 Where a property under lien is a divisible object, its value shall be equal to the amount of debts.
第二百三十四条 留置权人负有妥善保管留置财产的义务;因保管不善致使留置财产毁损、灭失的,应当承担赔偿责任。 Article 234 A lienor shall assume the obligation to properly keep the property under lien, and shall make compensations in case the property under lien is damaged or lost by virtue of improper safekeeping.
第二百三十五条 留置权人有权收取留置财产的孳息。 前款规定的孳息应当先充抵收取孳息的费用。 Article 235 A lienor has the right to obtain the fruits generated from the property under lien. The "fruits" as referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be firstly used for the payments of the expenses for collecting the fruits.
第二百三十六条 留置权人与债务人应当约定留置财产后的债务履行期间;没有约定或者约定不明确的,留置权人应当给债务人两个月以上履行债务的期间,但鲜活易腐等不易保管的动产除外。债务人逾期未履行的,留置权人可以与债务人协议以留置财产折价,也可以就拍卖、变卖留置财产所得的价款优先受偿。 留置财产折价或者变卖的,应当参照市场价格。 Article 236 A lienor shall, after the property is taken as lien, stipulate with the obligor the term for the fulfillment of the obligee's rights; and in caseof no or unclear stipulation, two months or more shall be given to the obligor for fulfilling the obligee's rights, except for such chattels that are not easy to be kept as fresh goods, perishable goods, etc.. Where the obligor fails to fulfill within the time limit, the lienor may convert the property under lien into money by negotiating with the obligor, or seek preferred payments from the money generated from the auction or sell-off the property under lien. When the property under lien is converted into money or sold off, its market price should be referred to.
第二百三十七条 债务人可以请求留置权人在债务履行期届满后行使留置权;留置权人不行使的,债务人可以请求人民法院拍卖、变卖留置财产。 Article 237 An obligor may, upon expiration of the time limit for fulfilling the obligee's rights, require the lienor to exercise the lien; and where the lienor fails to do so, the obligor may ask for the people's court to auction or sell off the property under lien.
第二百三十八条 留置财产折价或者拍卖、变卖后,其价款超过债权数额的部分归债务人所有,不足部分由债务人清偿。 Article 238 The obligor shall after the property under lien is converted into money, auctioned or sold off, enjoy the ownership of the value exceeding the obligee's rights or make up shall be attributed to the gap.
第二百三十九条 同一动产上已设立抵押权或者质权,该动产又被留置的,留置权人优先受偿。
Article 239 The lienor has the right to seek preferred payments in case the right to mortgage or the right of pledge has been established on a chattel before it is taken as lien.
第二百四十条 留置权人对留置财产丧失占有或者留置权人接受债务人另行提供担保的,留置权消灭。
Article 240 The lien shall perish in case a lienor losses the possession of the property under
第五编 占有 Part V Possession Chapter 第十九章 占有 XIX Possession
第二百四十一条 基于合同关系等产生的占有,有关不动产或者动产的使用、收益、违约责任等,按照合同约定;合同没有约定或者约定不明确的,依照有关法律规定。 Article 241 In case the possession occurs on the basis of a contractual relationship, the related stipulations in the contract shall be apply to the use, proceedings and default liability of the realty or chattel concerned; and the relevant legal provisions shall apply if there is no such stipulation in the contract or the stipulations are not clear.
第二百四十二条 占有人因使用占有的不动产或者动产,致使该不动产或者动产受到损害的,恶意占有人应当承担赔偿责任。 Article 242 Where a possessor causes infringes to the realty or chattel under his (its) possession when using them, it/he shall make compensations if being malicious.
第二百四十三条 不动产或者动产被占有人占有的,权利人可以请求返还原物及其孳息,但应当支付善意占有人因维护该不动产或者动产支出的必要费用。 Article 243 Where a realty or chattel is possessed by a possessor, the holder may ask for the return of original object and fruits thereof, but necessary expenses for the maintenance of this realty or chattel paid by the bone fide possessor shall be paid possessor l.
第二百四十四条 占有的不动产或者动产毁损、灭失,该不动产或者动产的权利人请求赔偿的,占有人应当将因毁损、灭失取得的保险金、赔偿金或者补偿金等返还给权利人;权利人的损害未得到足够弥补的,恶意占有人还应当赔偿损失。 Article 244 Where a realty or chattel under possession is damaged or lost, the possessor shall return the insurance money, damages or indemnities for the said destruction or loss to the holder if the holder requires compensations; and a malicious possessor shall make compensations in case the impairment to the holder has not been sufficiently made up.
第二百四十五条 占有的不动产或者动产被侵占的,占有人有权请求返还原物;对妨害占有的行为,占有人有权请求排除妨害或者消除危险;因侵占或者妨害造成损害的,占有人有权请求损害赔偿。 占有人返还原物的请求权,自侵占发生之日起一年内未行使的,该请求权消灭。 Article 245 Where a realty or chattel under possession is encroached on, the possessor has the right to require the return of the original object; where any act impairs the possession, the possessor has the right to request the termination of impairment or danger; and where any damage is caused by virtue of encroachment or interference, the possessor has the right to require compensations. The claim of a possessor for returning the original object shall perish, if the possessor fails to exercise it within one year as of the date of encroachment. Supplementary Rules
第二百四十六条 法律、行政法规对不动产统一登记的范围、登记机构和登记办法作出规定前,地方性法规可以依照本法有关规定作出规定。 Article 246 A local regulation may, before any law or administrative regulation prescribes the scope, organ and measures for uniform registration of realties, provide for related matters in accordance with the related provisions in the present Law.
第二百四十七条 本法自2007年10月1日起施行。 Article 247 The present Law shall enter into force as of October 1, 2007.