Elephant Artists 大象画家
(Originally in Chinese)
The Mesa Elephant Camp in the of Chiang Mai is the biggest elephant training school in Thailand. It can accommodate more than ninety elephants, each of whom specializes in a professional skill. Some play the harmonica, some are football players, some can shoot darts or push timber, and some can even paint complicated pictures.
The camp has eight elephant artists, who set a Guinness record working together on a 12-meter-long landscape painting. Accompanied by music, they can paint an awesome masterpiece within minutes. The themes of their paintings range from true-to-life trees and flowers, and even abstract images. One of the artists can picture of an elephant in color.
位于泰国清迈西北郊区的湄沙大象训练学校(Maesa Elephant Camp)是全泰国 ,共饲养了九十多头大象。园中每只大象都有个别的专长,他们有的会吹口琴,有的会踢足球、射飞镖、推木材,甚至会高难度的画画!
目前园区共有八头会画画的大象,他们曾联合画出一幅长达十二公尺长的风景画,创下吉尼斯世界纪录。在音乐的伴奏下,大象只需花短短数分钟,便可完成一幅 作。这些画作从栩栩如生的树木、花卉,到抽象派的画风都有;其中有只大象甚至以彩笔画出大象的图案,让观赏的民众发出由衷的赞叹。

1. Artists at work 大象正专心地绘画

2. A well-structured and life-like painting of trees, flowers, and colorful abstract images
构图工整--栩栩如生的大树、花卉、 画

3. Works by the elephants. In the center is the picture of an elephant painted by an elephant.

4. Having finished its art creation, this elephant artist ambles off, carrying its painting kit.