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以下是2010年6月19日六级答案 “听力复合式听写答案及解析”

George Herbert Mead said that humans are talked into humanity. He meant that we gain personal identity as we communicate with others .In the earliest years of our lives, our parents tell us who we are, “You are intelligent”, “You are so strong” .We first see ourselves through the eyes of others’ .So their messages form. important foundations of ourselves’ concepts. Later we interact with teachers, friends, romantic partners and co-workers, who communicate their views of us. Thus how we see ourselves reflects the views of us that others communicate .The profound connection between identity and communication is dramatically evident in children who are deprived of human contact .Case studies of children who are isolated from others review that they’re lack of firm self-concept , and their mental and psychological development is severely hindered by lack of language. Communication with others not only affects our sense of identity ,but also directly influences our physical and emotional well-being. Consistently, research shows that communicating with others promotes health whereas social isolation is linked to stress ,disease and early death. People who lack close friends have greater levels of anxiety and depression than people who are close to others . A group of researchers reveal scores of studies that trace the relationship between health and interaction with others .The conclusion was that social isolation is statistically as dangerous as high-blood pressure, smoking, and obesity .Many doctors and researchers believe that loneliness harms the immune system., making us more vulnerable to a range of minor and major illnesses.


观察8个单词空,会知道各种词性皆有,且注重变形。所以考生不仅要记住单词,还必须要能够正确地使用,填入正确的形式,方能够得分。具体来说,intelligent , romantic,和profound 这三个形容词,考查考生对于六级词汇的掌握,且昂立课堂上,经常提到‘听说不分家’,我们会发觉,这三个单词,发音都很规则,没有特殊情况;只要能正确发音,那么拼写不会有太大的障碍;foundations 考单复数变形,有的考生忽略细节,有可能丢掉应得的分数 ,所以考试中务必仔细;reflects 考第三人称单数;hindered 考被动语态;dramatically 这个单词并不难,但考生由于其比较长容易遗漏字母,此单词演变过程如下 drama dramatic(al) dramatically ,所以只要考生有耐心,观察入微,分就到手了;而deprived 这个单词,在昂立考前的冲刺文章,以及翻译课堂上曾多次被提到,它在07.06的六级翻译84题,08.12的六级翻译84题中,均被运用,要求考生务必牢记其用法及变形。而10年6月六级在听力中再次考到此词,不得不证明该词的高频性。

三个句子,考生可根据自己的实际情况进行取舍,是写全句还是半句;观察原文,我们会发现,每一个句子都有前后半句之分,所以在听的时候,考生须冷静,较快地判断句型结构,写出动词,搭出框架,再添加“枝叶”,这样后面三句听来不会特别地忙乱。第一和第二长句主句分别由‘shows’和‘reveal’引出; 前者后面引出宾语从句,后者引出宾语之后再紧接一个定语从句,考生皆不陌生。最后一个长句,有一个伴随状态,考生更容易分清前后句,进行听写。同时要注意,在www.cet6w.com时,亦要注意时态,以及单复数变形,现在分词,过去分词等等。在听写单词时的注意事项,在听写句子中同样适用。

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