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英语六级模拟试卷(70) -- 简答
Part Ⅳ Short Answer Questions (15 minutes)

As children, many of us got a great deal of criticism and, as a result, learned a variety of patterns for coping with it. Marya had apparently received little criticism, but, knowing that she was not perfect and deserved what other children got, developed her own patterns of self-judgment and censure. Being judged, whether we are underestimated or overestimated, usually implies a demand, subtle or direct, that we change. If others do not demand change, we may feel the need to demand it of ourselves.

Reactions that are relatively free from attempts to change or discredit us, given by someone who cares for us, and with the intention of letting us know what impressions we are making may be easier to take. If, however, our usual reaction is to defend ourselves, even mild criticism or impressions given www.cet6w.com that we change may play havoc with our defensive structure and become difficult to handle.

Questions:(注意: 答题尽量简短,超过10个词要扣分。每条横线限写一个英语单词,标点符号不占格。)

S1. What is the passage mainly about?
S2. Why is criticism necessary?
S3. People need criticism for
S4. People need the real criticism
S5. What does the phrase PLAY HAVOC WITH in the passage mean?

答案:S1. 答案 Criticism.
S2. 答案 Because it is a kind of demand that we change.
S3. 答案 self-improvement and self-perfect.
S4. 答案 free from discrediting others.
S5. 答案 Be harmful to.

热门搜索 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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