
Part III Listening Comprehension (35 minutes)

Section A

11. [A] She's enjoying the music.
[B] The music will keep her awake.
[C] The music doesn't bother her.
[D] She would prefer a different style of music.

12. [A] She will take the subway.
[B] She will hurry to the conference.
[C] She will skip the conference and go sightseeing
[D] She will take a bus.

13. [A] She thinks big parties are too impersonal.
[B] She would like to invite friends to a big party.
[C] She feels she has to spend a lot of money in holding big parties.
[D] She would like to be invited to small parties.

14. [A] It is quite unexpected.
[B] She has already got the news.
[C] She has confidence in the man.
[D] It is not exciting to learn about it.

15. [A] He is not satisfied with the pay.
[B] He is not able to enjoy paid holidays.
[C] The job is not very challenging for him.
[D] There is no hope of promotion.

16. [A] He has to change the topic for his composition.
[B] He has fallen behind others in English class.
[C] He hasn't made up his mind as to what to write about.
[D] The book he borrowed will be due tomorrow.

17. [A] She is against the man's plan.
[B] She thinks it needs a lot of money.
[C] They need some time to think about it.
[D] It's good for his career development.

18. [A] She should present him a book on music.
[B] The teacher has some interests other than reading.
[C] It's a good idea because the teacher loves reading.

[D] The teacher would like to have a book on language teaching.

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

19. [A] He is a professional electrician.
[B] He possesses a basic knowledge of electricity.
[C] He knows nothing about electricity.
[D] Electricity is his major.

20. [A] To wire her office. [B] To fix the transformer.
[C] To wire her building. [D] To fix the wires.

21. [A] The transformer. [B] The battery.
[C] The fuses. [D] The wires.

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

22. [A] At a public forum. [B] In an auditorium.
[C] On TV. [D] In a classroom.

23. [A] Exposing oneself to the target culture.
[B] Attending regularly a good language program.
[C] Coming up with a study plan.
[D] Developing good note-taking skills.

24. [A] A realistic goal for learners is to reach a certain level of language proficiency, not native fluency.
[B] Students can achieve native-like pronunciation through focused study.
[C] Learners should interact with native speakers to gain greater fluency.
[D] Teachers need to help students foster a good self-esteem and confidence.

25. [A] Remembering as many words as possible.
[B] Learning only useful words.
[C] Remembering a lot of words a day.
[D] Learning to use a few words a day.

Section B
Passage One
Questions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard.

26. [A] Food is no longer a basic need for us, while it was for primitive people.
[B] We eat a wide variety of food.
[C] We no longer eat fruit that primitive people ever ate.
[D] We eat more food than primitive people did.

27. [A] It is needed to adjust the temperature of our bodies.
[B] It is our second need.
[C] We need clothing to cover our bodies.
[D] Weather is changing all the time.

28. [A] The climate. [B] One's social position.
[C] The materials available. [D] Family size.

29. [A] Human Basic Needs. [B] Material Comfort.
[C] Food: Human Basic Need. [D] Basic Necessities of Life.

Passage Two
Questions 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard.

30. [A] The meaning of facial expressions depends on situations.
[B] Facial expressions can cause misunderstanding across culture.
[C] People from one culture may lack facial expressions because they experience less emotion.
[D] Facial expressions may disguise true feelings.

31. [A] They smile to cover embarrassment
[B] It is an unusual and even suspicious behavior.
[C] They smile to show politeness.
[D] It is an expression of pleasure.

32. [A] We shouldn't judge people by reading their faces.
[B] We shouldn't smile in the wrong place.
[C] We shouldn't cover our true feelings.
[D] We shouldn't express our emotions too openly.

Passage Three
Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.

33. [A] In 1938. [B] In 1946. [C] In 1955. [D] During World War II.

34. [A] It reflects commercial interests.
[B] It is a fashionable professional event.
[C] It is an essential affair for international cinema.
[D] It is more concerned with the art of film than with financial interests.

35. [A] It is awarded to www.cet6w.com of the festival.
[B] It was introduced in 1959.
[C] It was introduced by a commercial organization.
[D] Only American directors have received this award.

Section C

Taking your dog on vacation may have been (36) ________ a decade ago, but today it's free.

(37) ________ the pet-friendly hotel, where dogs are just part of the family, the Loews Miami Beach has had more than 1,200 (38) ________ guests so far this year. Dogs, like kids, stay free there.

A lot of people just want to travel with their animals, so the hotel (39) ________ guests to come with their pets. The hotel has a special (40) ________ for them from the time they enter the door till the time they leave.

There are fresh grapes by www.cet6w.com discerning dog and a cup of ice cubes for the hot dog. And don't forget the special doggie dinner menu. The hotel kitchen (41) ________ to canines as well as their masters. The most popular dog dish is a (42) ________ of beef, vegetables and rice. It's really great. (43) ________, the people food is even better.

(44) ________________________. Some of them don't have children, and the dogs may fill that gap for them. (45) ________________________. But what pet wouldn't want to be welcomed back www.cet6w.com meal that includes an all-beef hamburger bone?

(46) ________________________.

Part III Listening Comprehension

Section A

11. B 综合推断题。男士问女士自己播放的音乐有没有影响到她的学习,女士回答说自己没有学习,但是自己想睡觉,结合选项推断,本题选B(音乐会让她睡不着)

12. D 综合推断题。女士说自己不必在中www.cet6w.com场,由此推断,她并不着急,可能会乘公共汽车,所以D正确。

13. B 信息明示题。女士说她想举办大型聚会,以回报朋友的邀请,所以B正确。要注意的是,对话中的pay back意为“报答”。

14. C 综合推断题。本题的关键是理解女士所说的deserve的含义,即“值得,应该享有”,由此推断,女士相信男士的实力,所以C正确。

15. C 综合推断题。男士表明即使有机会加薪,他也要辞职,因为他想找一份能充分发挥自己能力的工作,由此推断,目前的工作对他来说缺乏挑战性,所以C正确。

16. C 语义替换题。男士正在为明天要交的作文发愁,因为他还不知道要写什么,所以C正确。本题的关键词come up with意为“找到,提出”。

17. A 综合推断题。女士认为他们已经为男士在该国的事业投入了很多时间和金钱,再结合她所用的比较生硬的语气Do I have to remind you…推断,她对男士的计划持反对态度,所以A正确。

18. B 综合推断题。男士说应该送史密斯教授一张唱片,他认为语言教师并不只是一味地读书,言外之意还会有别的兴趣,所以B正确。

Conversation One

19. B 信息明示题。女士问男士是否了解电,男士回答说,电是大多数电脑的动力来源,因此他确实掌握一些基本知识,故选B。

20. C 综合推断题。女士想要男士修理接线盒,接着解释说也就是把电线接上,男士问女士是否希望自己给其房子装电线,女士说不是希望,而是想要,故选C。

21. B 信息明示题。女士说她有男士装电线需要的所有东西,包括变压器、电线和保险丝,但并没有提到电池,故选B。

Conversation Two

22. C 综合推断题。女士在对话开始欢迎男士到他们的节目之中,接下来还提到了电视观众(viewers),由此推断,这段访问应该是一段电视节目,故选C。

23. C 信息明示题。男士说学习另一种语言的要点之一就是制定有规律的学习计划,故选C,其中come up with意为“找到或提出(答案、办法等)”。男士并没有提到有规律地去参加好的语言项目,故排除B。

24. A 综合推断题。男士说他所指的是,坚持遵照有规律的集中学习过程有助于达到掌握语言的境地,但母语的流利和语言的精通还是有差别的,由此推断,男士认为对于学习者而言,现实的目标是精通语言,而不是达到如母语般流利的程度,故选A。

25. D 信息明示题。男士最后以学习生词为例,他说计划每天学5个生词,并学会如何运用它们比学习30个生词却在第二天全都忘掉要好得多,由此可知,男士认为比较好的方式是每天学会运用几个生词,故选D。

Section B

Passage One

26. B 信息明示题。由文章第一段第一句可知,比起古代人,现代人食物的选择范围更广,所以B正确。

27. A 信息明示题。由文章第三段可知,衣服是用于调节(regulate)人体热度的,住在温带的人比住在热带的人要穿得多,同样地,服装要随季节的变化而改变,所以A正确。

28. D 信息明示题。文章最后一段提到,决定人们住什么样的房子的因素有climate,one’s social position, materials available等,惟独没有提到family size,故选D。

29. A 主旨题。全文谈到了人的三种基本需求,所以A正确。B(物质享受),C(食物——人类最基本的需求)和D(生活必需品)都不符合文章大意,故排除。

Passage Two

30. C 信息明示题。由文章第二段可知,某一文化背景下的人不像另一文化背景下的人那样公开地表达自己的情感,这并不意味着他们没有经历这些情感,故选C。

31. B 信息明示题。由文章第一段中的many people in Russia consider smiling at strangers in public to be unusual and even suspicious behavior可知,B正确。

32. A 综合推断题。文章最后指出,如果我们以自己的文化标www.cet6w.com感情方式不同的人,可能会做出不正确的判断,所以A正确。

Passage Three

33. B 信息明示题。文章第一段指出,直到l946年才举办第一届戛纳电影节,所以B正确。

34. D 信息明示题。由文章第一段中的more concerned with advancing the film industry than the art of film可知,戛纳电影节更注重推动电影产业的发展,故选D。

35. A 信息明示题。由文章第二段中的for best film of the festival可知,金棕榈奖被授予电影节的最佳影片,所以A正确。电影节组委会于l955年设立了该奖项,所以B、C均不正确。文末提到新西兰导演执导的影片也曾获得过金棕榈奖,排除D。

Section C

36. unthinkable 37. Introducing 38. four-footed 39. encourages

40. program/programme 41. caters 42. blend 43. Actually

44. Most masters consider their dogs as part of the family

45. But dogs are dogs,and part of the deal is that owners have to agree to do the dirty work. The hotel does not clean up droppings

46. Of course, hotels that don’t accept pets don’t get their business

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