再看本次考试的第10题: M: This article is nothing but advertising for housing developers. I don’t think the houses for sale are half that good. W: Come on, David. Why so negative? We are thinking of buying a home, aren’t we? Just a trip to look at the place won’t cist us much. Q: What can be inferred form the conversation?
本题中第一个 “Why so negative?”,虽然没有“not”存在,但也是反问句的句式,正因为没有“not”,存在,所以实际意思就是“not”,即“你不应该这样消极”。而后面的反意疑问“aren’t we?”在考试中总是作为附加累赘部分出现,从来不作为考点,听的时候去点即可,在本题中一样,它不起任何作用。
l 建议句型的考察: 建议句型往往是比较复杂的考点之一,因为句型相对比较多,而且隐蔽性比较强,比如上文提到的反问句型,我们不妨再看一下本次考试中其他几个建议句型,如本次考题第3题: W: I am going to Martha’s house. I have a paper to complete. And I need to use her computer. M: Why don’t you buy one yourself? Think how much time you could save. Q: What does the man suggest the woman do? 问题直接指向建议,问到“suggest”这个词,自然,题干中的“Why don’t you”就成了重中之重。否定的反问,自然体现了肯定的意思,言下之意无非就是“You should buy one yourself.”答案自然也就迎刃而解。
再看本次考试第2题: W: I found an expensive diamond ring in the restroom this morning. M: If I were you, I would turn it in to the security office. It is behind the administration building. Q: What does the man suggest the woman do? 此题的考点依然在建议句型的把握上,而本题则是建议句型中考生最容易忽略的虚拟If I were you句型。“如果我是你,我会…”,言下之意无非是说“你应该…”。该句型曾多次在以往考试中出现过: 早在1993年6月第7题中就有: M: If I were you, I’d live in to city instead of going to work by train.
然后在1996年1月第9题中同样出现: W: The ideas are good. If I were you, though, I’d rewrite the last two paragraphs to make it better. 2000年6月第4题中: M: If I were you, I would have accepted the job. 通过对历年考题的举一反三的思维和规律性地把握,想要做出这样的“难题”也绝非什么难事。
l 场景、人物关系的推测: 场景和人物关系一直以来都是四级考试一个重要的考点,要求考生通过对场景词的把握来推测事情发生的地点以及当事人之间的关系。例如本次考试的第7题: W: Mr. Watson, I wonder whether it’s possible for me to take a vacation early next month? M: Did you fill out a request form?