在英汉互译过程中,由于两种语言表达习惯不同,往往需要把英语中的正说译成汉语中的反说,把英语中的反说译成汉语中的正说,或反之,这样才能确切表达原意并符合语言的规范。这种把正说处理为反说,把反说处理为正说的译法,叫正反、反正表达法。这种正说和反说的相互转换是翻译技巧中的一个重要方法。它属于引申和修辞范围。那么,什么是正说和反说呢?英语词句中含有“never”,“no”,“not”,“non-”,“un-”,“im-”,“in-”, “ir-”,“-less”等成分以及汉语词句中含有“不”、“没”、“无”、“未”、“甭”、“别”、“休”、“莫”、“非”、“毋”、“勿”等成分的为反说,不含有这些成分的为正说。
一、英译汉正说反译法 在不少情况下,由于有的词语含有特殊意义,如不从反面着笔,译文就不通,这时必须反说。例如:
1)“I have read your articles.I expect to meet an old man.” “我读过你的文章,没想到你这样年轻。”(动词)
2)He was absent from his own country last year. 他去年不在自己的国家。(形容词短语)
3)He dived into the water fully clothed and rescued the children. 他衣服没脱就跳入水中,把孩子救了上来。(副词)
4)He was extremely sorry for the shortness of time.他对时间不足感到十分抱歉。(名词)
5)I do think that it is beyond his power to fulfill the task.我的确认为要完成这项任务是他力所不及的。(介词)
6)The lecture was interesting,but as far as I am concerned the speaker was speaking over my head.
7)The plan as it is leaves much to be desired.目前这样的方案大有不足之处。(动词短语)
8)Before I could say“thank you”,the postman had disappeared around the corner. 我还没来得及说声“谢谢”,邮递员已经在拐角处不见了。(连词) 二、英译汉反说正译法
9)At the same time,even as she untied the package,the thought came to her—supposing they would not work? 就在她打开包的时候,她有一个念头:万一它们不灵验呢?(动词) 10)The scientist must approach the familiar just as carefully and cautiously as he does the unfamiliar. 科学家在处理熟知的事物时,必须像处理陌生的事物一样小心谨慎。(形容词)
11)Everyone felt nervous that afternoon,and they all went about their work in an unusually careful manner. 那天下午,大家都感到紧张,干活时特别小心谨慎。(副词)
12)The illiteracy rate declined from 30.4 percent in 1910 to 22.9 percent in 1920. 文盲率从1910年的30.4%降低到1920年的22.9%。(名词)
13)I only wish he was here himself,as I don't doubt he will be here at sunset tomorrow.我希望他也在这里,我有把握,明天太阳下山的时候,他就要来了。(动词短语) 三、汉译英正说反译法
14)欧妮铺上一块洁净的白桌布,又去取来些葡萄。 Eugenie unfolded a clean white table cloth and went to fetch some grapes.
15)在希腊人的生活中,奴隶制是得到默许的。 Slavery was implicit in Greek life.(形容词)
16)她非常勉强地来了。 She came very unwillingly.(副词) 17)这家机构因公正在国际上享有声誉。
The agency enjoys an international reputation for impartiality.(名词)
18)她光着脚走进了房间。 She came into the room with no shoes on.(介词短语)
19)尼克松是个彻底的现实主义者。 Nixon was nothing if not a realist.(短语) 四、汉译英反说正译法
20)风景之美,非任何言语所能形容。 The beauty of the scenery passes all power of description.(动词)
21)星期四对我来说不方便,我们星期二碰头好吗? Thursday is rather awkward for me.Could we meet on Tuesday?(形容词)
22)他们的会面即使说不上轻松愉快,也是亲切的。 Their meeting is cordial,if hardly relaxed.(副词)
23)他刚一走开,她就把汤姆穿着去当海盗的那件破得不成样子的上衣取出来。 The moment he was gone,she ran to a closet and got out the ruin of a jacket which Tom had gone pirating in.(名词)
24)他提前三天到达是我们没有想到的。 His arrival three days in advance is beyond our expectation.(短语)
25)毋庸置疑,中国的航空航天工业在过去的四十年中已取得了辉煌的成就。 It is beyond doubt that China has made brilliant achievements in aviation and space industry in the last forty years.(从句)
26)The government had something of a case. 政府也不是完全没有理由的。(政府也有一定的理由。)