阅读理解,从另一个角度看是读者解读作者逻辑思路的过程,因此有必要对常见的逻辑思路进行总结。从阅读理解测试类型来看,主要分为两类:篇章理解(reading for the main idea)和细节理解(recognizing important facts or details),后者从历年四级考题来看占80%左右。
一、篇章理解的逻辑思路 对于全文的理解,读者主要用总结(sum-up)、概括(outline)、归纳(induce)、推理(deduce)等思路。 在篇章理解部分,考试中常考的问题有这些: 1.The author concludes that... 2.It may be inferred from the passage that... 3.According to the passage, what is... ? 4.What is the author’s attitude toward... ? 5.In the author’s view, ... 6.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? 粗略归类一下,有这些类型:中心思想题(1);态度题(4,5);结论题(1,2)和判断题(6)。做这类问题时,一般先快速阅读全文,总括主题,分别阐述,还是逐层递进,环环相扣。由于写作思路不一而足,阅读思路也要千变万化,视具体的情况而定。例如: … Heroes are catalysts for change. They have a vision from the mountaintop. They have the skill and charm to move the masses. They create new possibilities. Without Gandhi, India might still be part of the British Empire. Without Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King, Jr., We might still have segregated(隔离地) buses, restaurants and parks. It may be possible for large scale change to occur without leaders with magnetic personalities, but the pace of change would be slow, the vision uncertain, and the committee meetings endless. (2002,12,28) 看完之后,读者会有如下思路:英雄是变革的催化剂(总括观点)——有远见;能鼓动群众;能创造机遇(分述论据)——没有他们,步伐会慢,前景不定,会议会没完没了(反面总结,深化观点)。接着看试卷针对本段提出的问题:
The author concludes that historical changes would ________. A) be delayed without leaders with inspiring personal qualities B) not happen without heroes making the necessary sacrifices C) take place if there were heroes to lead the people D) produce leaders with attractive personalities 询问作者观点一般是在逻辑思路的最后,显然是在后面的结论句,也就是由but连接的句子中,but后的内容是语义的重心,是作者的观点,这样就排除了干扰项C),而选出了正确答案A)。
二、细节理解的逻辑思路 细节理解部分主要涉及如下逻辑思维:直接推论、因果、例证、条件、转折、对比以及正误判断等。关于细节理解题,考生经常遇到的问题有这些: 1. By saying..., the author means that ...