首页 最新动态 考试指导 技巧心得 历年真题 模拟试卷 兴趣英语


1. Keep up with
2. Catchup with
3. Come upwith 提出
4. End upwith 以…告终
5. Put upwith 忍受
6. Make upfor 补偿/填补
7. Live upto 不辜负
8. Turn up出现
9. Turndown 减少、拒绝
10. Turnover 翻转

11. Turnin 上缴
12. Haveaccess to sth
13. Beused to doing sth
14. Lookforward to doing sth/sth
15. Getdown to sth。
16. Leadto/contribute to…/attribute to…
17. Besuperior to
18. Beinferior to
19. Besenior to
20. Bejunior to

21. Priorto sth。
22. Rangefrom… to…
23. Bebusy in
24. Bebusy doing sth
25. Can’thelp doing
26. Feellike doing
27. Have agood time (in )
28. Havedifficulty( trouble) (in)
29. Spend/waste time(in)
30. It’sno use doing sth

31.There’s no point in
32. In theway/by the way/ in no way
33. It’sthe first/second time that
34. Catchsb doing sth
35. Calloff=cancel
36. Havean influence on sth/sb
37. Imposesth on sb。
38. But for sth。
39. Riskdoing sth。
40. Escapedoing sth。

41. Accusesb of sth。
42. Chargesb with sth。
43. Beinnocent of sth。
44. Bealert to sth
45. play arole/part in sth./doing sth
46. beworth doing sth
47. beworthy of doing sth
48.keep/lose contact with sb。
49. besecond to none(首)
50. not tospeak of/not to mention/let alone+名词/代词/动名词

51. delay/mind/ admit/ avoid/ anticipate/ consider/contemplate/deny/
dislike/ fancy/ finish/ involve/ permit/ practice/ quit/risk+doing
52. adaptoneself to…
53. haveno objection to doing sth。
54. be/getused to doing
55.confess to
56.contribute to
57. devoteto
58. objectto
59. beopposed to
60. resortto

61. stickto
62. taketo
63. turnout 生产/证明是
64. asheet of paper
65.throw/cast light on 使明白/阐明
66.response/ reply/ key/ attitude/ approach/ answer/introduction/access /exposure /objection+to
67.interfere in干涉
68.interfere with妨碍
69. Whatif…? 陈述语序
70. beaccustomed to/

71. adhereto
72. abideby
73.cooperate with
74. conform to
75.dispose of
76.apology to sb for sth。
77. bethankful to/be grateful to sb
78.restrain/ keep/ prevent /restrict /stop /protect /prohibitsb
fromsth/doing sth
79.specialize in sth/doing sth。
80. queueup

81.acquaint sb with sth。
82.familiarize sb with sth。
83.correspond to sth
84.correspond with sb。
85.congratulate sb on sth
86.dependence/dependant on sth
87. beindependent of sth。
88.participate in sth
89. bebound to
90. curesb of sth

91. be ofimportance /significance/ value/
92. beyondreach/power
93. belacking in
94. bebeneficial/ advantageous to sb。
95. beattached to sth
96. beassigned to
97. findfault with sb
98. inmemory of sb。
99. beabsorbed in sth/doing sth
100. beabundant in sth

101. takesth into account /consideration
102.relate sth to sb。
103.remark on sth
104. noneother than
105. somuch as that
106. Couldhave done
107. Musthave done
108.Should have done
109.Never/ seldom/ rarely/ hardly/ barely/ scarcely/ little/
110. Lest/in case/unless /suppose /as if/for fear that/on

111. Notso much…as 与其说…不如说
112. It’stime that (过去式—)
113. Mayjust as well
114. seeto it that
115. seeto doing sth
116.order/ ask/ demand/ command/ request/ require that+虚拟语气

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