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2009.12 英语六级考试真题完整答案(昂立版)

Part I Writing(30 minutes)

Part II Reading Comprehension(Skimming and scanning)1. B) Benefits of the practice of teleworking.
2. C) more businesses have adopted remote working solution
3. C) Access to broadband every where.
4. B) They look for reliable business-only providers.
5. A) offering sophisticated voice services
6. D) support its employees with children to take care of
7. B) keep highly qualified staff
8. home life
9. productive
10. increase her own productivity

Part III istening Comprehension
Section A
11. A) They prefer to carry cash when traveling abroad.
12. C) Rod was eliminated in the selection process.
13. A) The concert is very impressive.
14. B) They have known each other since their schooldays.
15. D) Stop for the night.
16. A) Survey results.
17. D) He would rather the woman didn't buy the blouse.
18. C) The notice may not be reliable.
19. D) A manager at a computer store.
20. A) Handling customer complaints.

21. C) She wants to be with her husband.
22. D) Early next month.
23. B) It will be a najor economic power by the mid-21th century.
24. D) The huge gap between the haves and have-nots.
25. C) they attach great importance to education.

Section B
26. A) She engaged in field research on enviromental pollution.
27. A) The job restricted her from revealing her findings.
28. B) Many toxic sites in America have been cleaned up.
29. D) Her ability to communicate through public speaking.
30. D) The accelerated pace of globlalisation.
31. B) Gain a deep understanding of their own culture.
32. C) The labour market is getting globalised.
33. B) Brown-haired women are rated as ore capabe.
34. A) They are shrewd dishonest.
35. C) They hinder our perception of individual differences.

Section C
40. largely
41. instinct
42. recalls
43. texture
44. This means that any thought about a certain subject will often bring up more me mories that are related to it.
45. The associations do not have to be logical. They just have to make a good link.
46. If you remember the shape of Italy, it is because you have been told sometime that Italy is shaped like a boot.

Part IV Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth) (25minutes)
47. a driver's attention
48. equivalent in difficulty to driving
49. more time
50. earful thinking/consideration
51. punishing
52. D) the shrinking primary care resources
53. C) the more doctors taking care of a patient, the better
54. A) see more patients at the expense of quality
55. B) The current system works against primary care
56. D) Bridge the salary gap between specialists and primary care physicians
57. B) The air quality around Berkeley's school campuses is poor.
58. C) A heated debate.
59. D) They didn't know who to believe.
60. D) Daily accidents pose a more serious threat to children.
61. A) the unceertain

Part V Cloze (15minutes)
62 B) launching
63 D) brands
64 B) condemn
65 A) in
66 C) industry
67 B) exclude
68 D) including
69 C)unnecessary
70 C) to
71 B) incentives
72 C) strategic
73 A) spokesman
74 D)underway
75 B) responsibility
76 B) on
77 C) minimize
78 C) so
79 C) individual
80 A) despite
81 D) tackle

Part VI Translation (5minutes)
82. It depends on how often you wear it
83. to be a challenge to many traditional concepts
84. could have attended the meeting in person (by himself)
85. balanced diet is essential to health
86. regretful did I feel

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