Professor Timm Hoffman is the Director of the University of Cape Town's Plant Conservation Unit. He says land degradation is a problem world-wide.
"Research which has measured the changes in productivity over the last thirty years from satellites suggests that about 25% of the global surface has lost, or is losing productivity. This is measured in response to cultivation, in response to harvesting, resource-extraction, and as a result also of over-grazing."
According to the United Nations Conference on Desertification, 73% of Africa's drylands are affected by desertification.
South Africa is largely arid or semi-arid, and according to the South African National Biodiversity Institute, about a quarter of the country is severely degraded. This sometimes manifests as eroded gulleys following over-grazing of vegetation.
In the Eastern Cape province, over-grazing by non-indigenous angora goats farmed for mohair, has resulted in a large shrub known locally as spekboom being severely depleted.
Soil fertility and water-holding ability have been lost as a result. Only about 14% of the original healthy spekboom-rich thicket remains, as PhD student Marius van der Vyver explains.
"300 years of goat-browsing - injudicious goat-browsing - by land-owners has degraded most of the spekboom in the area. The area is naturally dominated by spekboom, which is what you see here behind me. And it is a very palatable shrub - goats love the stuff, also indigenous herbivores. But the goats, because of the numbers and the constancy of browsing, they depleted the area."
Van der Vyver's PhD is in the restoration of spekboom-dominated areas, much of which is now degraded land.
The shrub is very valuable in preventing desertification in the dry thicket landscape.
It grows quickly, and prevents erosion by binding the soil.
For these and more reasons, the South African government's Working For Land programme has for the last seven years, been restoring large tracts of degraded land, and already more than 2000 hectares have been replanted with spekboom.
Professor Richard Cowling of the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University and the Restoration Research Group explains the value of reintroducing spekboom.
"It produces a huge amount of litter - leaf litter. It sheds lots of leaves. So if you put a little canister under spekboom you're going to pick up as many leaves as you would in some of the rainforests. And that enriches the soil enormously, and builds

For a dry area plant, spekboom sequesters, or stores, a high amount of carbon.
The Restoration Research Group is working on accessing further funding for spekboom restoration from the carbon credit market.
Starting with early field trials by farmers, this method of restoration is now being implemented in nature reserves.
1. arid adj. 干旱的;干燥的
例句:The settlers irrigated the arid land.
2. extent n. 长度, 面积, 范围;程度, 限度
例句:What's the extent of the damage?
3. measure vt.量出; 记录;估计, 估量;仔细考虑;(通过竞争, 冲突等)考验某事物, 较量
例句:We measured the distance.
4. degrade vt.使降级, 使降低身份;使丢脸; 使陵削,剥蚀
例句:He degraded himself by cheating and telling lies.
5. erode v. 侵蚀, 腐蚀
例句:The sea erodes the rock.
6. deplete vt. 使大大的减少; 使空虚
例句:Our supplies of food are rather depleted.
7. dominate v. 控制, 支配, 统治;在…中占首要地位
例句:The stronger man dominates the weaker.
8. indigenous adj. 土生土长的;生来的, 固有的
例句:Kangaroos are indigenous to Australia.
9. shed vt. 蜕皮, 树叶脱落, 蜕, 落
例句:Many trees shed their leaves in autumn.
10. enrich vt.使富有, 使富裕;充实, 使丰富
例句:Fertilizer enriches the soil.
1. The Karoo drylands are just one example of where the earth has dried up to such an extent, that it is no longer agriculturally productive.
dry up (使…)干涸
例句:The long drought dried up all the wells.

no longer不再, 已不, 不复, 再也不
例句:The city's water supply is no longer adequate for its need.
2. This is measured in response to cultivation, in response to harvesting, resource-extraction, and as a result also of over-grazing.
in response to对…做出反应
例句:She laughed in response to his jokes.
3. In the Eastern Cape province, over-grazing by non-indigenous angora goats farmed for mohair, has resulted in a large shrub known locally as spekboom being severely depleted.
result in导致,结果是
例句:The flood resulted in a considerable reduction in production.
4. So if you put a little canister under spekboom you're going to pick up as many leaves as you would in some of the rainforests.
pick up拾起, 捡起; 抬起
例句:I would have picked it up if I had noticed it.
我如果看见的话, 我早就把它拣起来了。
5. And that enriches the soil enormously, and builds

build up逐步建立,

例句:Many a large and big business has been built up from small ones.
6. The Restoration Research Group is working on accessing further funding for spekboom restoration from the carbon credit market.
work on致力于…
例句:He has been working on a new

近一年多来, 他一直在写一部新小说。
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