What's perhaps surprising about this editorial is that it's been published in the first place. But in a country known for setting targets, it serves as a public warning to Chinese athletes not to disappoint.
Glory goes not only to the individual winner but the country as a whole. And Chinese fans can be unforgiving if their athletes fail to meet expectations, or in this case, specific targets. As for the host nation, Britain, there's some good news. China's state-run news agency

Quiz 听力测试
1、In which two sports does Xinhua newspaper predict a total of 14 gold medals? _______________
2、Is this report putting a lot of pressure on Chinese athletes? _______________
3、How would Chinese fans respond if their athletes didn't achieve their goal? _______________
4、What does the report predict for Britain in the medal table? _______________
Glossary 词汇表
modest 谦虚的
editorial 报章上的社论
haul (口语)一次获得的量
all told 整个来说
top the table 位居榜首
it serves 它的作用
glory 荣耀
unforgiving 不原谅人的
host nation 主办国
predicts 预测
Answers 答案
1、Gymnastics and weight lifting.
2、Yes, it is almost like a public warning to the Chinese athletes.
3、The Chinese fans can be unforgiving, meaning the athletes could face backlash from fans if they didn't do well.
4、Britain could finish third in the medal table, which would be very good news for the host nation.
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