2012.12 英语六级考试翻译答案及解析(文都)

82. __________________不管中国变得多么强大, it will constitute no threat to any other country.

83. success in life does not depends so much on one’s school records______________________而是靠勤奋和坚持

84. ______________他们要是此刻在这里就要了,we would be able to celebrate their wedding anniversary.

85. In recent years, with his business booming, he __________________给慈善事业捐了大笔钱。

86. without the atmosphere we______________________将被迫寻找躲避太阳的藏身处,as there would be nothing to protect us from its deadly rays.


82.No matter how strong China becomes
83.but on diligence and persistence
84.If they were here at the moment
85.donates a large sum of money to charity
86. would be forced to look for avoiding the sun's burrow


82.已经把那片荒地变成了肥沃的农田have turned that barren land into the fertile farmland
本题知识点考查:固定短语turn sth into sth的应用。

83我几乎认不出她来 hardly could I have recognized her

84. 使法官确信我们是清白的convinced the judge of our innocence
本题知识点考查:固定搭配convince sb of sth的应用。

85.你可以放心You can rest assured that 或者You can assure that

86.试图征服它是不明智的it is not wise to try to conquer it

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