Maybe the most violent giraffe fight ever caught on tape for those of you who keep track of such things.Stunning video from the discovery channel shows two giraffes using their 6-foot long necks as weapons to go after each other.
ABC's Paula Faris has the story.
Huge claws,
sharp teeth and aggressive antlers,
all familiar weapons of the wild.
But now when this rare video, two unlikely fighters

That's right, giraffes, the long-tongued, long-limbed, long-shot for prizefighter battling it out. Watch as they jab their horns into each other,
swinging their 500-pound neck with such force.
But Toronto-based predator expert Dave Salmoni

“It's a bit of a dance,
the males know exactly where to stand,how to stand and what the rules are.”
spent a month in Nabimia,
filming what they assumed to be gentle giants for discovery channel’s new series-Africa, when suddenly their subjects revealed another side.
“People tend to think of giraffes as nice, docile, sweet animals and they generally are.
But they are designed for fighting.”
These two males are fighting over territory,
and likely a mate,
but not to the death.
“The smaller,
probably younger male wind up loosing the fight,
go away,
get bigger and then he will get his chance next season.”
So while we may expect fights from predators like these bears caught in the backyard brawl,or this lion as lunging at the camera,
just remember a deceivingly cute face like this,
munching on leaves maybe bonking up for battle.
For good morning America,
Paula Faris, ABC news,
That just hurts.
I'm obssessed with these shows by the way.
because guess what,
you can see more of it on new story series-Africa when it debuts on January 1st.
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