2013.6 CET6阅读:偷得浮生半日闲技巧

Go on a Coffee Run
Sure, you've got coffee at the office, but offer to go for a midmorning coffee run and pick up everyone's favorite specialty coffee from down the street. After gathering money, head outside and take your time bringing back the uplifting drinks.
Take a Reading Break
Along with having a well-deserved lunch break,

Outdoor Business Lunch
If it's a nice day, then suggest taking the meeting outdoors. Grab your lunch, or bring laptops, and everyone is set for decision-making. An outdoor business lunch provides a much-needed break from the office, and moods are elevated while working in the fresh air.
Walk During Lunch
Don your walking shoes, grab your sandwich, and once you've eaten your lunch, go for a brisk walk. While getting your heart rate up, you'll clear your head, prepping your brain for the rest of your workday.
Become the Office Plant Person
Offer to take care of the office plants along with picking up fresh greenery to bring air and color into your workspace. Even though you're not getting outdoors, tending to growing plants is a great way to take a nature break during the day.

Make a Quick Phone Call
Simply excuse yourself to make a quick private phone call. You don't even have to actually dial any digits; listen to your favorite tune or play a meditative track while taking a few


Leave 10 Minutes Early
End your day right by leaving 10 minutes early to allow for a few moments outdoors before heading home. Find the perfect park bench or quiet spot to zone out while observing the nature around you. Take a few deep breaths and focus on calming your thoughts, and you're ready for a relaxing evening, prepping you for a productive workday tomorrow. And make sure to arrive 10 minutes early for work in the morning to balance your schedule.

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