


1 whether technology is indispensable in education
2 what qualities an employer should look for in job applicants
3 whether there is a shortcut to learning

对于这三套题,首先出题内容很常见,是之前在课堂中反复提到的"大学生活""社会热点"话题,所以考生应该并不陌生。至于其写法,不论是哪套考题,都可以完全套用上课的三段论思路。在第一段首先引出话题,直接套用首段首句万能模板,不论是从文章还是从自身心态,都是一个很好的开门红。后面段落则需要分为两种题型来处理,三套考题中以whether 开头的两道题,可以直接处理为对比观点题,需要同学们分别指出正方和反方观点,分析观点的原因,在最后一段归纳总结,得出自我观点。而以what开头的一道题,之前在课堂中解释过,可以直接处理为社会热点话题分析原因,第二段采用总分结构,记得分论点时要用相关连接词连接,至于具体连接词和分析原因的思考层面,都在强化班中反复带着大家训练过,更在冲刺班中帮各位同学总结过。第三段,归纳总结,提出建议措施,结尾直接总结概括。


1 whether technology is indispensable in education

As is symbolically manifested in the cartoon above, there is a teacher, standing in front of a blackboard and teaching a little boy, with a pair of glasses, the use of multiplication tables, while the little boy responds "I'm going to need tech support".

Some people with keen eyesight firmly harbor the idea that technology is imperative in education. First, with the application of technology, the demonstration process can be more effective and public-oriented. Thus, students can acquire information at an alarming rate. Second of all, the diversified forms of science and technology provide a platform for we each individual to have access to information more vividly.

On the contrary, there are other individuals who hold the opposite perspective. They would rather the traditional ways. From their viewpoint, with the assistance of teachers only, the students might well feel more relaxed, and the available face-to-face communication is preferable for a long time. Consequently, even without the aid of technology, there is no need to worry about the efficiency of education.

To put all into a nutshell, I am in favor of the former idea absolutely, though the perfect combination of both technology and traditional methods of teaching might be a better solution. Only in this way can students master more and develop in a well-rounded way!

2 what qualities an employer should look for in job applicants

As is symbolically manifested in the cartoon above, there is a boss, with a resume on his hand, interviewing a newly-graduated student, while the poor guy, wearing a hat on his hat, is refused relentlessly as a result of the high education background of his competitors.

Obviously, this cartoon does reflect the phenomenon that educational backgrounds are put on the top of agenda, while this viewpoint does not always hold water. Employers should attach more attention to other qualification. On the one hand, there is always a saying that "we should apply theory to practice". Thus, whether graduates can combine what they have learnt in school with practical jobs should be regarded as one of the main criteria on landing a job. On the other hand, in contemporary society, no one can live by himself. Consequently, we cannot emphasize the significance of cooperation too much. The capacity of cooperation and communication effectively with his or her teammates is of maximal importance.

To put all into a nutshell, what we should emphasize is some practical skills, such as applying, cooperation, rather than some diplomas, since it is those abilities lying behind a person that truly determine the prospect of a young guy. Only in this way can the most excellent person stand out in the competitive society and fierce competition!

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