



Mount Tai, called “East Yue”, has a great reputation for the most important mountain of the Five Holy Mountains. According to the theory of five elements, the East belongs to mu, which means liveliness. Therefore, the East is a place where nature regulated and adjusted its procedures. This explains why important emperors made pilgrimages mostly to Mount Tai when they were crowned or in their later years. It is a symbol of loftiness and might, hence, there are the Chinese idioms: “as firm as Mount Tai” and “as weighty as Mount Tai”. Mount Tai was proclaimed world natural and cultural heritage by UNESCO in 1987.

泰山 Mount Tai
东岳 East Yue
五岳独尊 the most important mountain of the Five Holy Mountains
享誉 have a great reputation
五行学说 the theory of five elements
生发 liveliness
生命之源、万物之本 a place where nature regulated and adjusted its procedures
登基 be crowned
封禅祭拜 make pilgrimages to
稳如泰山 as firm as Mount Tai
重于泰山 as weighty as Mount Tai
宣布 proclaim

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