
1.第1句可译为并列结构Taijiquan is precious wealth...and an important part...,系动词“是”(is)只需译出一个。
2.第2句中的“其主要功能是”可直译为its main functionsare to...,但稍显生硬,宜转述为“它通常用于”(it is usuallyused for...)。“攻防”在中文里是一个词,但实际包含了两层意思,故分译为attacking and defending;同理,第3句的“柔缓”译为gentle and slow。
3.第3句中的“太极拳在演练时”实为被动句,“太极拳”为受动者,故译作When Taijiquan is beingpractice...。“但能以突然爆发的力量......”处理为which引导的非限制性定语从句which,however, candefeat。“突然爆发的力量”可译为sudden strength或sudden force,因为sudden已包含有“突然爆发”的意思,故“爆发”一词不需再译。
4.最后一句中的“在中国乃至世界受到越来越多人欢迎”,除译文外,还可以有多种译法,如is welcomed bymore and more people both in China and overseas;is accepted by more and more people inChina and the world as well。
Tajiquan is precious wealth of Chinese nation andan important part of the eastern culture. As one ofthe ancient martial arts in China, it is usually usedfor attacking and defending, body building and self-cultivation. When Tajiquan is being practiced, themovements are gentle and slow, which, however,can defeat the opponent with sudden strength. Through centuries of development, Taijiquanhas developed into several branches, and everyone has its features. Now Tajiquan has becomeincreasingly popular both in China and abroad.
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