
— 怎样准确找出文章的中心思想(1)
阅读测试一般包括4篇文章的阅读,每篇后有5道选择题。这些的类型多种多样,但归纳起来大致可分为二大类,即全域型问题(Global Question)和局域型问题(Local Question ). Local Question一般涉及三方面内容:Subject Matter, Attitude,Tone; Local Question 涉及:Supporting Details, Inference, Vocabulary.以下,我们将针对考试的特点、出题范畴、出题方式等,根据这些问题在考试出题中的大致排列顺序,进行有步骤、有计划的分项应试技能训练。

关于主题思想问题(Subject Matter)
Subject Matter(SM中心思想)是作者在文章中要表达的的主要内容是贯穿全文的核心。作者在文章中努力通过各种Supporting Details来阐明中心议题。因此,把握主要思想对于全文内容理解具有重要意义。熟悉测试的人都知道,这类问题常被列为5题之首。然而,如何找出主题常使考生倍感棘手。因为他们总希望通过某个词或某句话就能找到答案,而找主题往往需要通读全文后才能作出判断。
根据内容的不同,这类问题可分为主题型、标题型和目的型。主题型一目了然就是找中心(Main Idea);标题型是为文章选择标题(Title);目的型就是推断作者的写作意图(Purpose).这类题常见的命题方式有:
(1) What is the main idea (subject) of this passage ?
(2) What does this passage mainly (primarily)concerned ?
(3) The main theme of this passage is ___________.
(4) The main point of the passage is__________.
(5) Which of the following is the cet6w.com the passage ?
(6) The title that best expresses the theme of the passage is ___________.
(7) On which of the following subject would the passage most likely be found in a textbook ?
(8) The purpose of the writer in writing this passage _________.
(9) Which of the following best describes the passage as a whole ?

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