
(18).Taking a Texi 乘出租汽车

Taxi fares vary from city to city. In some cities, taxis have meters that tell you the fare. For long rides, it is a good idea to ask in advance what the approximate fare will be. This is especially true if you're taking a taxi from an airport. You should tip taxi drivers about 15% of the total fare.

1.A: Kennedy Airport, please. I have to be there by 7:00.
B: I can't promise anything, but I'll do my best.
B: OK. That'll be $12.00, please.
A: Thanks a lot. Here.

2.A: Do you think you can get me to Union station by quarter after?
B: We shoudn't have any trouble if the traffic isn't too heavy.
B: You've got plenty of time. That's $7.65, please.
A: Thank you very much. Here's $10.00. Give me $1.00 back, please.

3.A: The Hilton Hotel, please. I have a 10.30 appointment.
B: You'll be there in plenty of time.
B: Here we are. $8.50, please.
A: Thank you. Here's $10.00. keep the change.

4.A: Grand Central Station, please. I want to try to catch a 6:00 train.
B: I think you'll make it if we don't get stuck in a traffic jam.
B: This is it. That's $9.15, please.
A: Here.

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