美国习惯用语 第44讲

to get off on the wrong foot

to put one's foot in one's mouth

今天我们要给大家介绍两个由 foot 这个字组成的习惯用语。 Foot 在中文里就是“脚”的意思。由 foot 这个字形成的俗语在英文里也不少,它们的意思有的是正面的,例如:to put one's best foot forward。这是指尽量给人一个好的印象。那末,有的人一开始就给人一个坏印象是怎么说的呢? You should say: to get off on the wrong foot。 To get off on the wrong foot,这是指某人一开始就没给人一个好印象,或一开始由于某种行为而把事情弄糟了。下面这句话里说的这个人就是一个例子:

例句-1: "When Joe went to his new job, he got off on the wrong foot -- on the first morning he upset his new boss by arriving at the store two hours late. And right now he's out looking for a job again."


To get off on the wrong foot 这个俗语实际上可以适用于任何情况。下面一个例子是一个男学生在说他交女朋友的情况:

例句-2: "I finally got a date with that new girl in class but I sure got off on the wrong foot with her: I had car trouble and got to her place almost two hours late."


有意无意做错事、说错话的情况是很经常的。下面我们要讲的一个俗语就是无意中说错了话而伤害了别人,或者叫自己很不好意思。这个俗语就是:to put your foot in your mouth。

我们来举个例子看看什么样的情况才 to put your foot in your mouth:

例句-3: "When Sally told that silly joke about the sailor with one leg she really put her foot in her mouth. She didn't know the man across the dinner table had a brother at home in a wheelchair."


Sally如果事后了解情况的话,她肯定会说: "Well, I certainly have put my foot in my mouth."


例句-4: "I certainly put my foot in my mouth at the party last night when I asked Mister Brown to say hello to his wife for me. Somehow I'd forgotten that his wife died six months ago."


今天我们给大家介绍了两个由 foot 这个字组成的习惯用语。第一个是 to get off on the wrong foot。 To get off on the wrong foot 是指一个人在做某件事的时候一开始就给人一个坏印象,或者一开始就把事弄糟了。我们今天介绍的第二个俗语就是 to put one's foot in one's mouth。这是指无意中说错了话而伤害了别人。


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