大学英语六级考试模拟试卷(68) - 听力
1.A) At school. B) At home. C) In his office. D) On a farm.
2.A) That Mary is going to Hawaii. B) That Mary likes to collect postcards.
C) That Mary is going to meet her mother. D) That Mary is fond of playing cards.
3.A) Sometimes she eats in her friend’s home.
B) Sometimes she eats at home when she gets ride and leaves the house.
C) Sometimes she eats in a hotel.
D) Sometimes she has her breakfast in the school cafeteria.
4.A) On or before November 13. B) Not before November 13.
C) On or before November 30. D) Not before November 30.
5.A) He just had his new car come in.
B) The dealer is taking his time getting the car ready.
C) He hasn’t got his driver’s license.
D) He wants to ride in the car himself.
6.A) They went fishing. B) They played golf.
C) They played bridge. D) They bought new fishing rods.
7.A) A porter. B) A policeman.
C) A servant. D) A service station attendant.
8.A) To the college on the corner. B) To the coffee house.
C) To a

9.A) She is welcome to borrow one.
B) Her English teacher needs the dictionary.
C) Buy a French-English dictionary for herself.
D) Take the dictionary out of the library.
10.A) It was pretty good. B) It was rather dull.
C) It was not well organized. D) It was attended by many people.
1. 【试题分析】此题为细节题。【关键词语】at home【详细解答】此题听清题目后,不难解答。我们听到“This year I’m just going to be lazy at home.”便可知正确的答案是B。
2. 【试题分析】本题根据关键词进行简单的推理。【关键词语】postcard, a collection of cards【详细解答】从听到的内容来看,Mary 有来自世界各地的明信片,因此答案选B。A和C项与对话毫无联系,可直接排除;D项中的cards虽然在对话中谈到,但根据关键词collection of cards也可将其排除。
3. 【试题分析】此题考对关键词的理解,并进行简单的推理。【关键词语】usually, once in a while, school cafeteria【详细解答】对话中根本没有涉及到friend和hotel,因而可以直接排除选项A和C。根据usually以及后面听到的in the kitchen可知该女士常在家中吃早饭;而问题是: “该女士有时在何处吃早饭?”,故可排除选项B。因此正确答案为D。
4. 【试题分析】此题与时间有关,听时多注意。【关键词语】by, November 13 【详细解答】此题首先得听清对话中谈到的是13而非30,故可排除C和D两项。而根据关键词by可确定正确答案为A。注意if not before可能引起误导。
5. 【试题分析】此题考对关键词的理解,并进行简单的推理。【关键词语】but, wonder【详细解答】问题是问该男士现在的感情。根据选项只有D项中含有表心理活动的动词wants,故可直接选D;另一方面关键词wonder的含义为want to know, 由此也可选D。
6. 【试题分析】此题为细节题。【关键词语】golf instead【详细解答】此题听清题目后,不难解答。我们听到“we played golf instead”便可知正确答案为B。
7. 【试题分析】此题考对关键词的理解,并根据常识进行简单推理。【关键词语】windshield, rearview【详细解答】如听到关键词windshield (挡风玻璃)和rearview(后视镜)可知该对话与车辆有关。既然该男士为女士擦windshield(挡风玻璃),根据常识可知男士为维修服务站的工作人员,故正确答案为D。
8. 【试题分析】此题为细节题,与地点有关。【关键词语】coffee house【详细解答】此题听清题目后不难解答。我们听到“to the coffee house on the corner near the college”便可知正确答案是B。注意“on the corner near the college”可能引起误导。
9. 【试题分析】此题为间接推理题,需要抓住关键词并根据常识来推理。【关键词语】not, better if 【详细解答】根据内容来看,该字典不允许带出图书馆外,可排除D项。A和B项是该女孩已做的事而非该男士的建议。“Wouldn’t it be better if you had one of your own?”该句虚拟语气,意思为你自己有一本不更好吗?故C为正确答案。
10. 【试题分析】此题考对关键词的理解,并进行简单的推理。【关键词语】mess, last【详细解答】此题需听清mess这个单词,而mess意思为混乱的,故应选C。
Passage 1 Questions 11-14 are based on the passage you have just heard.
11.A) Because it moves very quickly.
B) Because it spread through Greek army long ago.
C) Because it spread through the crowded most quickly.
D) Because army moves more often.
12.A) One type. B) Two types. C) Three types. D) Four types.
13.A) One million. B) Several million. C) Seven million. D) Fifteen million.
14.A) Before 1936 people didn’t know what caused influenza.
B) A group of American doctors first discovered the types of influenza.
C) All kinds of vaccine cannot prevent every kind of influenza virus.
D) The earliest outbreak of disease mentioned happened in the year 412.
Passage 2
Questions 15-17 are based on the passage you have just heard.
15.A) Because that was where the path went.
B) Because the path was blocked by bushes.
C) Because he wanted to explore it.
D) Because he wanted to avoid climbing.
16.A) A mark on the rock. B) A bird’s nest.
C) Two eggs in the grass. D) Two eggs on the rock.
17.A) Because it had been worn smooth. B) Because there was no grass on it.
C) Because it was wet and slippery. D) Because it was soft and sandy.
Passage 3
Questions 18 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.
18.A) Paris. B) London. C) United States. D) Italy.
19.A) Never. B) Once. C) Three times D) Six times.
20.A) A return match with Lloyd Smith. B) His return to the United States.
C) A chance to defeat the British champion. D) Future victories in Paris and Copenhagen.
11. 【试题分析】此题为直接明示信息题。【关键词语】… moves most quickly among people … in crowded conditions.【详细解答】此题问题在短文头的一部分中直接回答出来了,因此,只要听懂了Flu … moves most quickly … crowded … hence … likely to attack armies,答案就明明白白了。
12. 【关键词语】type A, type B, type C【详细解答】短文中部谈到流感病毒的种类时,讲到了type A, type B, type C以及A、B两个种类的子类。听懂问题也是做好此题的关键。excluding subgroups 不包括子种类。
13. 【试题分析】此题为直接明示信息题。【详细解答】根据选项确定此题问数字,听音时特别注意听与数字有关的信息。流感大流行致死多少人在短文中只有一处谈及,即 before the great outbreak ended, it had killed at least 15 million people,该题无其它数字干扰,因此,此题难度不太大。
14. 【试题分析】此题为听力材料的细节考查题。【详细解答】如果听到了句子:The virus of influenza was not found until 1993.便可以排除A,如果我们听到了… a team of British doctors found the type A …, a doctor of the United States found type B) 就能轻易排除B。短文开头提到了the outbreak of 412 BC) 显然公元前412前不同于公元412年,D也不对。最后还要理解all…not 意为“不是所有的……都”(=Not all …)。短文中的句子“A vaccine good against one type gave no protection against another.”与选项C意义相同。
15. 【试题分析】此题需从话语逻辑联系上找答案。【详细解答】短文开头的句子 … the path led into some very thick bushes.…I decided that if we walked along the bottom of the valley we could …是做对这题的关键。“这条路进了茂密的灌木”与“我决定……”是一种因果关系,这种关系便是此题答案所在。
16. 【试题分析】此题考查听力及生活常识。【详细解答】文中虽然未直接提到nest(巢), 但若我们听到了a bird flew…I saw two eggs,便可根据一般常识判定作者看到的是鸟巢。短文中虽然提到了rock, grass, 但鸟蛋最有可能是在巢了。
17. 【试题分析】此题为直接明示信息题。【详细解答】只要听懂了 …worn the rock as smooth as glass (冲刷得象玻璃一样光滑)和 …too steep to climb down (太陡了不能爬下去),这题答案就清楚了。
18. 【试题分析】此题为关于地点的细节题。【关键词语】London Tennis Tournament【详细解答】此题听清题目后,不难解答。我们听到“…has won the London Tennis Tournament”便可知道正确答案是B。
19. 【试题分析】此题考查对关键词的理解,并进行简单的推理。【关键词语】past, first time【详细解答】此题首先得听清问题(过去,美国人曾几次夺得伦敦锦标赛的冠军)。根据听到的关键词可知这是美国人首次夺得伦敦锦标赛冠军。故可推出正确答案为A。
20. 【试题分析】此题考查对关键词的理解,并进行简单的推理。【关键词语】hoped, next month【详细解答】此题首先得听清问题(What is Mr. Cox looking forward to?)。故要在与looking forward to 的意思相同的hope词后找答案,故不难得出正确选项D。
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