大学英语六级考试模拟试卷(69) - 听力
1.A) The food there is very good. B) It is closed on Tuesdays.
C) He could not find it. D) It is not as good as the station place.
2.A) Tomorrow. B) Any time but tonight.
C) Never. D) It is not clear when he will want to see more.
3.A) Rest. B) Special treatment. C) Special medicine. D) Operation.
4.A) He does not think Pierre is a good artist.
B) Pierre is always busy painting.
C) His art has improved.
D) He has no talent.
5.A) She knows where it is. B) She wants to go shopping.
C) He should ask where it is. D) He has to look more carefully.
6.A) Yes, after his trip. B) No, he has no money.
C) When he plans for it. D) No, his old one is good.
7.A) He really doesn’t know.
B) He thinks the weather will not

C) He thinks they will lose if the weather is bad.
D) He has no opinion on the matter.
8.A) She agrees with him partially. B) She doesn’t agree with him.
C) She advises him to be more careful. D) She suggests that he be strict with his son.
9.A) After Christmas holidays. B) During the

C) During a sale. D) In the spring.
10.A) John should not talk to Bill any more.
B) John should take Bill’s remarks seriously.
C) John should tell Bill not to think negatively.
D) John should pay little attention to what Bill says.
1.【试题分析】本题为简单推理题,根据关键词语便可判断。【关键词语】not yet ,not open【详细解答】从not yet 便可得知男方并未品尝法式餐厅的菜肴,因此可以排除A,并且,文中没有提到“the station place ”。应排除D ; not open 为答案B;排除了C,故B正确。
2.【试题分析】此题考查对关键词的理解,并进行简单推理。【关键词语】if , scream【详细解答】由if, scream 便可听出男士不想拜读女士的诗作,并且文中并没有明确的时间词语,因而A,B,C均可排除,故选择D。
3.【试题分析】此题可以选项入手,根据关键词进行推理。【关键词语】instead of , no operation【详细解答】根据选项,听到instead of(替换,代替),no operation (不必手术)这种关键词,即可得知正确答案是A。
4.【试题分析】本题考查对关键词的理解,并据此进行简单推理。【关键词语】seem , professional, really【详细解答】首先从女士seem的口气中可知她对Pierre 的真实情况产生疑问,再从professional,really 可以推断出Pierre并非一个出色的画家,由此综合推断,B、C、D均非正确答案,因而选择A。
5.【试题分析】此题是细节题。【关键词语】where it is 【详细解答】此题听清题目后,不难解答,当我们听到“ask someone where it is ”便可知正确答案是C。
6.【试题分析】本题需根据关键词进行简单推理。【关键词语】but【详细解答】根据选项从but 一词可推测男士没有足够的钱购买汽车,很明显正确答案是B,其它答案均被排除在外。
7.【试题分析】此题考查对关键词语的理解,并需要根据关键词进行简单推理。【关键词语】be accustomed to 【详细解答】考生如果熟悉“be accustomed to ”(对…习以为常)便可得知天气的好坏不会影响比赛的结果,选项中仅B项有此意,因此可以排除A、C、D三项。
8.【试题分析】此题为间接推理题,需抓住关键词语对对话内容进行间接推理。【关键词语】only a few , too…to 【详细解答】此题是问女士对男士的说法有何反应,因此主要在女士的话中找答案。从“only a few ”(仅一些)可知女士肯定不赞同男士的看法,因此可排除A。因为女士的话中并没有提到建议、提议之类的词语,C、D则被排除在外。女士还提到学生忙于学习,不会惹麻烦,则说明女士的看法与男士的相反,因此B为正确答案。
9.【试题分析】此题为间接推理,并与时间有关,需要根据关键词语来判断。【关键词语】until, immediately【详细解答】从“until”(直到)中得知此对话发生在圣诞节期间,并且“immediately”(立刻)则表明女士必须在此期间购买,因此排除A、C、D;B为正确答案。
10.【试题分析】此题为间接推理题,需抓住关键词语来进行推理判断。【关键词语】with a grain of salt【详细解答】此题问句是“According to the woman”(根据女士的说法),因此答案在女士的话中,从短语“with a grain of salt”(有保留地,不全信地)中,再综合选项内容,可排除A、B、C三项,因此正确答案为D。
Passage 1 Questions11 to 14 are based on the passage you have just heard.
11.A) That they were unlimited. B) That they should be carefully conserved.
C) That they were declining. D) That they were used up.
12. A) Sea resources decline more rapidly than other resources.
B) Fishing is important to industry.
C) Fish is an important food source.
D) Fish is more threatened than other animals.
13. A) The decline would have no effect.
B) The decline would affect only Europe.
C) The decline would have a global effect.
D) The decline would affect only America.
14. A) Animals about which conservationists are already concerned.
B) Animals that will some day supply food.
C) Animals that depend on fish for their food supply.
D) Animals that have been saved through the efforts of conservationists.
Passage 2
Questions 15 to 17 are based on the passage you have just heard.
15. A) In the San Francisco area. B) On the island of Nimi.
C) In the Pacific Ocean. D) Along the U. S. coast.
16. A) The earthquake was serious. B) New earthquakes are not expected.
C) An island was destroyed by the earthquake. D) The earthquake was mild.
17. A) They will be of high intensity.
B) They will occur along the coast.
C) Earthquakes of unknown intensity will occur there.
D) They are predicted 100 miles away.
Passage 3
Questions 18 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.
18. A) The advantages of refrigeration. B) Cooking food in the summer.
C) Food spoilage in the summer. D) Fun in the summer.
19. A) Cookies. B) Chickens. C) Eggs. D) Ice cream.
20. A) Eat it immediately. B) Try a little. C) Throw it away. D) Cook it thoroughly.
11. 【试题分析】本题考查文中信息辨识。【详细解答】本题的题目重点在于19世纪对海洋资源的态度(the attitude in the 19th century towards resources of the sea)。本文的第一句就能充分证明That the resources of the sea were unlimited, 因此答案应为A。B) That they should be carefully conserved 是现今对海洋资源的态度,与问题不符。 C、D与此问题也不符。
12. 【试题分析】本题考查对具体细节的把握。【详细解答】本题的题目说明,保护海洋资源作者强调…作为保护海洋资源的重要原因,作者在文中先引说海洋渔业是用之不竭的,接着证明海洋资源,陆地资源,空气都受到严重危害,强调鱼类所受的危害在很多方面比鸟类和陆地上的动物所受到的危害要严重得多。因此答案应为D。A、B、C与题意不符。
13. 【试题分析】本题考查根据所听到的内容进行正确推理判断。【详细解答】本题的问题在于鱼的供应量下降会带来的影响。文中说明鱼类受到的威胁比其他的动物和鸟类要大得多,全世界很多人以鱼作为食物资源,而且鱼的供应量的下降对饥饿和人口都有严重而广泛的影响,仅仅北大西洋的渔民每年产鱼200亿磅,因此鱼的供应量减少所带来的影响不只是地区性,而是全球性的,故A、B、D都不正确。答案应为C。
14. 【试题分析】本题考查对文中具体细节(specific information)的把握。【详细解答】文中说明海洋资源、陆地资源和空气资源都受到同样的严重威胁,证明了现在自然资源的保护包括herring and cod as well as the African elephant, the Indian tiger and the American eagle。A、B、C均与题意不符。答案应为D。
15.【试题分析】本题主要考查对具体细节的辨识。【详细解答】本文主要叙述了一次地震的发生,因此要特别注意地震发生的时间(when),地点(where),地震的强度,造成的后果(伤亡,损失),震源,影响范围等。本题考查地点的辨识,本题的问题是问此地震起源于何处,A和此次地震的报道者有关;B) The island of Nimi 和地震震源在位置上有关,但不是震源,C) Along the U. S. coast和地震的发生地有一定关系,A、B、D与本题意均不符,故答案应为C。
16.【试题分析】本题考查对具体的细节的辨识判断。【详细解答】文章的第一句就说明地震的强度a mild earthquake, 因此A不正确;在介绍完本次地震的一些情况后,对近几个月内要发生的一些地震作了预报,因此可以排除B。本文对此次地震所造成的伤亡及破坏程度并没有报道,因此可以排除C。故答案为D。其实根据文章的第一句就可以判断本题答案应为D。
18.【试题分析】本题主要考查对文章的主要意思的理解。【详细解答】本文的主要意思是什么?A) The advantages of refrigeration 冷冻的优点。显然这不是本文的主要意思。应排除A。B) Cooking food in the summer. 夏天食物的烹饪,也不符合本文的内容,也不符合题意,应排除。C) Food spoilage in the summer. 夏天食物的腐坏。C与本文内容关系密切,而且本文主要是夏天食物的腐坏,因此C为正确答案。D与本文内容不符,应排除。
19.【试题分析】本题考查根据具体的内容进行推理。【详细解答】下列食物中哪一种食物在温暖的天气下最不易腐坏?A) cookies 小甜饼在暖的天气下易腐坏。C) eggs鸡蛋在暖的天气条件下也易变坏。C) ice cream 冰淇淋在暖和的天气条件下最易变坏,因此此题答案应是B。此题也可以根据常识进行判断。
20.【试题分析】本题考查对语义的理解,并进行简单的推理。【详细解答】本文的最后是这样总结的:“Above all if a food doesn’t seem to be normal in order or appearance,discard it immediately. Don’t taste it?”只要听懂了关键词语discard, don’t taste 中的任何一个,就不难选出正确答案C。
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