大学英语六级考试模拟试卷(71) - 听力
1. A) His grades in science courses are very good.
B) He hasn’t taken enough courses in geology.
C) He likes geology enough to continue with it.
D) He doesn’t want to take any more science courses.
2. A) She wasn’t able to finish the dissertation.
B) She’s not sure how to solve the mystery.
C) She’s not sure how she was able to finish so early.
D) How to write the dissertation is a mystery
3. A) Only one person can come.
B) There have been a few responses.
C) They need one more response.
D) Almost everyone can come
4. A) The students in the class did not enjoy the field trip.
B) The transportation for

C) Some people may not go on the trip.
D) All the students in the class have paid the transportation fee.
5. A) Sarah moved to a new address two weeks ago.
B) They should pay Sarah a visit.
C) They should stop visiting Sarah.
D) They should pick up Sarah.
6. A) Look for a big office.
B) Make a bet with others.
C) Rent a house with a bathroom and a kitchen.
D) Move to another house.
7. A) In a bookstore.
B) In the woman’s house.
C) In the library.
D) In the laboratory.
8. A) The apartments are too small for the students to share.
B) Very few students could afford to live there.
C) Most students are easy to reach the apartments.
D) Two bedrooms rents for 1,600 dollars.
9. A) She’s not so enthusiastic about academics.
B) She’s unable to use computers.
C) She wishes she could be a better students.
D) Her capacities of learning computers is better than his.
10. A) Examine the typing mistakes
B) Have someone else type his papers.
C) Ask another person to check his work.
D) He is always looking for his papers.
1. 【试题分析】判断推理题。【详细解答】女士问男士下学期是否修地质学?男士说我已经修够了理科课程。由此可推出,他不想再修更多的理科课程。
2. 【试题分析】判断推理题。【详细解答】男士对女士说听到她整整提前一个月完成她的学位论文感到很震惊。女士回答说如何做到这一点对她自己来说也是个谜。由此推出答案C。
3. 【试题分析】判断推理题。【详细解答】当男士问Tom收到了多少邀请回复时,女士说只有Steven没有来。由此可推出其他人都来了。
4. 【试题分析】判断推理题。【详细解答】当女士说她认为全班同学下周六都去野外实习时,男士说不一定,因为并不是每个人都交了旅游费。由此可推出有些人可能不会去。
5. 【试题分析】判断推理题。【详细解答】当女士说Sarah两周以来一直忧心忡忡,男士说为什么不去看看她现在状况如何呢。由此可推出,她们应该去看看Sarah。
6. 【试题分析】判断推理题。【详细解答】女士问男士是否盼着8月搬家,男士回答说是的,这里房子太小而且没有厨房和浴室。由此可推出答案D。
7. 【试题分析】判断推理题。【详细解答】当男士问女士在哪儿发现小册子时,女士说就在那儿,并让男士不用担心,她可以用她的卡把它借出去,然后两人使用。由此可推出对话地点在图书馆。
8. 【试题分析】判断推理题。【详细解答】当女士说校园里的房子每月要600美元时,男士回答说这有点超出绝大多数学生的承受能力。由此可推出没有几个学生能付得起租金住在那。
9. 【试题分析】判断推理题。【详细解答】当女士对男士说他的女儿对计算机表现出极大的热情时,男士回答说我只是希望她对学习表现出同样的热情。由此可推出他的女儿对学习热情不高。
10. 【试题分析】判断推理题。【详细解答】女士问男士是否经常检查他论文中的打字错误,男士说他经常不得不亲自做,但是他宁愿别人来帮他校对,由此可推出他希望请别人校稿。
Passage 1 Questions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard:
11. A) They have the same mechanisms of vocal development.
B) They begin with babbling when learning to produce sound.
C) They both sing perfectly.
D) They need the same time period to finish their vocal development.
12. A) Whether the mechanisms of vocal development are the same in humans and birds.
B) Whether baby songbirds can respond to social interactions.
C) The role of imitation and social interactions
D) Whether human infants and baby songbirds share the same vocal development path.
13. A) Imitation B) Sensory capacities. C) Maternal behavior. D) Social learning.
Passage 2
Questions 14 to 16 are based on the passage you have just heard:
14. A) He is capable and likes finishing his works alone..
B) He is the most famous and influential producer in the history of rock music.
C) He is good at cooperate with others.
D) He is more than a producer.
15. A) Because he produced a distinctive “wall of sound”, in which a number of instruments are blended together.
B) Because he preferred to have the sounds of multiple instruments mixed together.
C) Because besides being a producer, he did many other things such as operated his own record company.
D) Because he worked together with singers, actors and directors.
16. A) Because his works are the combination of all the traditional works.
B) Because his works are produced by several instruments.
C) Because his works have a stereo.
D) Because his works feature all of the current artists.
Passage 3
Questions 17 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard:
17. A) 86 percent of US college students say the Net has had a negative impact on their college academic experience
B) 28 percent of college students say they use the Internet most often to keep in touch with their friends.
C) Nearly 80 percent of college students in the US say they use the Internet to download music files
D) Many students say the Internet is essential to both their academic and social lives.
18. A) 80 percent. B) 73 percent. C) 38 percent. D) 28 percent.
19. A) Some US college students use the Internet to express ideas to a professor.
B) Some US college students use the Internet to improve their relationships with their classmates and professors.
C) Some US college students use the Internet to call their friends.
D) Some US college students use the Internet to correspond with family.
20. A) The Internet has influenced the US college students’ daily life tremendously.
B) The Internet has had a negative impact on the US college students’ daily life.
C) The US college students are indifferent to the Internet.
D) The US college students are enthusiastic about making friends.
Passage One
11. 【试题分析】判断推理题。【详细解答】从第一段的前三句得知鸣鸟最初发声时,是以咿呀学语的形式。人类婴儿学说话也是遵循同样的规律,故得知答案B)。
12. 【试题分析】判断推理题。【详细解答】第二段的第一句话告诉我们,科学家们把他们研究语言的焦点从模仿转移到社交。由此可得出答案C)。
13. 【试题分析】归纳总结题。【详细解答】文章的最后一句告诉我们向社会学习是语言发展的关键所在。
Passage Two
内容概要本段听力材料讲的是著名的摇滚音乐制片人Phil Spector。文章谈到了他为什么是最有名的,最具影响力的制片人;还谈到了他远非是一个制片人,他还是唱片公司的老板,唱片内容的创作者等;还谈到了他是善于与人合作的典范。
14. 【试题分析】判断推理题。【详细解答】文章中没有提到他独自一人完成作品。故A)不是他的性格。B)、C)、D)中提到他是最有名的,最具影响力的制片人;他远非是一个制片人;他善于与人合作,分别可在文章中的一、二、三段中看到。故它们不是正确答案。
15. 【试题分析】细节考察题。【详细解答】第二段中谈到了他远远超出一个音乐制片人所起的作用。他担当了唱片公司的老板,他与别人合作撰写了部分音乐作品的内容,他挑选主要的艺术家,支持每届音乐会,发挥了他所有的才华,制作出独特的艺术作品。
16. 【试题分析】归纳总结题。【详细解答】最后一段告诉我们Spector的作品之所以如此受欢迎,是因为这些作品是许多优秀艺术家才华的结晶。包括优秀的钢琴师、吉它手、鼓手等。
Passage Three
17. 【试题分析】判断推理题。【详细解答】从86%的学生使用因特网,以及学生认为因特网是他们的学习和生活中必不可少的一部分,可推出答案D)。A)中提到学生说网络对他们有负面影响,应该是有正面影响;B)中提到的28%的学生说使用因特网和朋友联系,应该是40%以上;C)中提到的80%的学生用因特网下载音乐文件应该是60%,都与原文不符,因此,A)、B)、C)不是正确答案。
18. 【试题分析】细节考察题。【详细解答】文章第二段最后一句提到,大约73%的学生进行研究时用得更多的是因特网而不是图书馆
19. 【试题分析】细节考察题。【详细解答】文章中没有提到美国学生用因特网给朋友打电话,故C)是答案。A)、B)、D)中的用因特网向教授表达思想,改善与同学和教授的关系,与家人联系,是文章中提到的内容,故不是答案。
20. 【试题分析】主旨大意题。【详细解答】这篇文章主要是通过一系列的数据表明因特网对美国大学生的日常生活所 产生的巨大影响,B)、C)、D)中提到的负面影响,漠不关心,热心交朋友都不是文章的大意。故都不是正确答案。
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