
During the 1980s, unemployment in some countries was as high as 90 percent. Some countries did not _31_ enough food; basic needs in housing and clothing were not _32_. Many of these countries looked to the industrial processes of the developed nations _33_solutions.

_34_, problems cannot always be solved by copying the industrialized nations. Industry in the developed nations is highly automated and very _35_. It provides fewer jobs than labor-intensive industrial processes, and highly_36_ workers are needed to _37_and repair the equipment. These workers must be strained, _38_ many nations do not have the necessary training institutions. Thus must be sent abroad to _40_ vocational and professional training. _41_just to beginning, the students must _42_learn English, French, German, or Japanese. The students then students must _42_ learn English, German, or Japanese. The students then spend many years abroad, and _43_ do not return home.

All nations agree that science and technology _44_be shared. The point is: countries _45_ the industrial processes of the developed nations need to look carefully _46_ the costs, because many of these costs are _47_ Students from these nations should _48_ the problems of the industrialized countries closely. _49_care, they will take home not the problems of science and technology, _50_the benefits.

31.[A]generate [B]raise [C]produce [D]manufacture

32.[A]answered [B]met [C]calculated [D]remembered

33.[A]for [B]without [C]as [D]about

34.[A]Moreover [B]Therefore [C]Anyway [D]However

35.[A]expensive [B]mechanical [C]flourishing [D]complicated

36.[A]gifted [B]skilled [C]trained [D]versatile

37.[A]keep [B]maintain [C]retain [D]protect

38.[A]since [B]so [C]and [D]yet

39.[A]charge [B]price [C]cost [D]value

40.[A]accept [B]gain [C]receive [D]absorb

41.[A]Frequently [B]Incidentally[C]Deliberately [D]Eventually

42.[A]soon [B]quickly [C]Deliberately [D]Eventually

43.[A]some [B]others [C]several [D]few

44.[A]might [B]should [C]would [D]will

45.[A]adopting [B]conducting [C]receiving [D]adjusting

46.[A]to [B]at [C]on [D]about

47.[A]opaque [B]secret [C]sealed [D]hidden

48.[A]tackle [B]learn [C]study [D]manipulate

49.[A]In [B]Through [C]With [D]Under

50.[A]except [B]nor [C]or [D]but

developed countries发达国家
developing countries发展中国家




31.C generate 生产,产生 raise 抚养

manufacture 生产、制造 manufacturer 制造商

produce 生产、制造 /'prodju:s/ n.产品总称 product n.产品,产物

发音:'desert沙漠和de'ssert餐后甜点的发音 soup汤和soup肥皂

32.B meet 遇到 satisfy 满意


33.A look to sb. sth. for ... 求助于某人某事为了……

34.D industrialized nations 工业国家 copying 翻译为照搬,与上一句是转折关系。本句是插入成分,起到承上启下的作用

35.A 本句直接定义出发达国家的工业有什么特点。本题必须在分述找答案。

labor-intensive 劳动密集型产业


expensive即cost high

complicated 复杂的(中文的复杂暗含有先进的意思,但英文没有)

sophisticated 复杂的,精致的

36.B gifted 有天赋的 versatile 多才多艺的

highly trained workers 语法不对 应是 well trained

highly skilled workers 高度技能的工人

37.B 先看主谓搭配,再看动宾搭配,最后考虑和repair有and的关系

keep 保持,保留 retain 去伪存真的保留

maintenance 维护,保养 maintain v. 维护,保养

maintain and repair 维修,maintain、repair是两个动词关联成分

38.D 转折

39.C charge收费,price具体价格,value表示价值,外延太广,cost成本

分述一: 以上四点都是由于机器的高度自动化

分述二:cost 变高了,采用总分对照的形式

40.C vocational and professional training 职业培训

vocation n.假期 vocational 职业的

gain 得到,获得(权力、金钱等) absorb 吸收(光热)

receive 收到 accept 心理上的接受

41.A incidentally 偶然地 deliberately 故意的 eventually 最终

frequently 通常的

42.D 找到后面的线索,根据上下文的行文习惯选出first


44.B 考语法现象:agree, ask, demand, propose, suggest, dream


语法上本句要求使用虚拟语气,把should 记成“应当”的意思,可以省略

45.A 把前后两个已知线索连接起来,adopting 采纳,采用

copying, importing已经定义了穷国和发达国家之间的关系





前两个复现词是importing, coping


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