Section A
Directions:In this section,there is a short passage with 5 questions or incomplete statements.Read the passage carefully.Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words on Answer Sheet 2.
Questions 47 to 51 are based on the following passage.
For most people, shopping is still a matter of wandering down the high street or loading a cart in a shopping mall. Soon, that will change. Electronic commerce

Consumers in rich countries have grown used to the idea that the government takes responsibility for everything from the stability of the banks to the safety of the drugs, or their rights to refund(退款) when goods are faulty. But governments cannot enforce national laws on businesses whose only presence in their country is on the screen. Other countries have regulators, but the rules of consumer protection differ, as does enforcement. Even where a clear right to compensation exists, the online catalogue customer in Tokyo, say, can hardly go to New York to extract a refund for a dud purchase.
One answer is for governments to cooperate more: to recognize each other's rules. But that requires years of work and volumes of detailed rules. And plenty of countries have rules too fanciful for sober states to accept. There is, however, an alternative. Let the electronic businesses do the "regulation" themselves. They do, after all, have a self-interest in doing so.
In electronic commerce, a reputation for honest dealing will be a valuable competitive asset. Governments, too, may compete to be trusted. For instance, customers ordering medicines online may prefer to buy from the United States because they trust the rigorous screening of the Food and Drug Administration; or they may decide that the FDA's rules are too strict, and buy from Switzerland instead.
Consumers will need to use their judgment. But precisely because the technology is

47. What can people benefit from the fast-growing development of electronic commerce?
48. When goods are faulty, consumers in rich countries tend to think that it is______ who takes responsibility for everything.
49. In the author's view, why do businesses place a high premium on honest dealing in the electronic world?
50. We can infer from the passage that in licensing new drugs the FDA in the United States is __________ .
51. We can learn from the passage that ______ are probably more cautious than consumers of the normal sort when buying things.
Section A
47. 【答案】More choice.
【解析】问题问人们从飞速发展的电子商务中得到什么好处。解题依据为文章第一段第三句"Electronic commerce

48. 【答案】the government
【解析】问题问当商品有毛病时, 富裕国家的消费者倾向于认为谁对一切负责。解题依据为文章第二段第一句"Consumers in rich countries have grown used to the idea that the government takes responsibilities for everything from the stability of the banks to the safety of the drugs, or their rights to refund when goods are faulty.(当所购商品有毛病时,富裕国家的消费者习惯上认为政府对从银行的稳定到用药的安全到消费者的退款权利负全责。)"
49. 【答案】A good reputation is a great advantage in competition.

50. 【答案】very cautious
【解析】问题问从文章中我们可推知美国的食品医药管理局在审核新药时会怎样。解题依据为文章第四段第三句"...consumers ordering medicines online may prefer to buy from the United States because they trust the rigorous screening of the Food and Drug Administration.(......网上定购

51. 【答案】electronic shoppers
【解析】问题问从文章中我们可知在购买东西时,谁比一般正常渠道的消费者更为谨慎。解题依据为文章最后一段第二句"But precisely because the technology is

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