Directions: There are 2 passages in this section.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A),B),C)and D).You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.
Passage One
Questions 52 to 56 are based on the following passage.
Because of satellite links which now enable broadcast news organizations to originate live programming from any part of the globe, the entire world is becoming one giant sound stage for television news. As a result, Marshall McLean's reference to the post-television world as being a single "global village" is gaining new acceptance and Shakespeare's famous line, "all the world's a stage," has taken on an interesting new twist in meaning.
But, beyond the philosophical dimensions of global television communications there are some dramatic, political implications. Even before today's worldwide satellite links were possible, the growing effect of broadcast news technology on national and international politics was becoming increasingly evident.
Because television is a close-up medium and a medium that seems to most readily involve emotions, it is most

Years later, this role was to take on a new and even more controversial dimension during the Vietnam War. Reading about war was one thing; but war took on a deeper and more unsavory(令人讨厌的) dimension when it was exported directly into U.S. living rooms night after night by television. Public opinion eventually turned against the war and to some measure against President Johnson who was associated with it. As a result of the public opinion backlash(消极反应) during these times, the Pentagon was thereafter much more careful to control what foreign correspondents and TV crews would be allowed to see and report.
It was during this time that President Carter brought the issue of human rights to the centre of his foreign policy, and, to some degree, to the centre of international politics. "Human rights is the soul of our foreign policy," Carter said. "Of all human rights the most basic is to be free of arbitrary violence, whether that violence comes from government, from terrorists, from criminals, or from self-appointed messiahs(救世主) operating under the cover of politics or religion."
Although political viewpoints have changed since then, because of the emotional nature of human rights, this has emerged as the "soul" of television news. The transgression(侵犯) of human rights has been the focus of many, if not most,major international television news stories. The reporting of these stories has created outrage in the world, prompted attempts at censorship by dictators, and in many cases resulted in the elimination of human rights abuses.
52. The passage is mainly about__________________________ .
A) the evolution of international politics in the United States
B) the broadcast media's growing role in international politics
C) the concern for human rights as is shown in broadcast media
D) the impact of global television communication on viewers'emotions
53. The introduction of satellite technology into television broadcast __________________ .
A) confirmed what Shakespeare said long ago
B) changed the way television news is handled
C) improved the sound effect of television news
D) initiated a shift of emphasis to international politics
54. The civil rights struggle to the 50's and 60's won public support partly owing to_________________________ .
A) the viewing of the Nazi atrocities on TV
B) the news broadcast through satellite links
C) the impact of televised news on emotions
D) the support provided by a world audience
55. President Carter's major contribution to broadcast news was that he __________________ .
A) eliminated any kind of censorship of broadcast news
B) encouraged news coverage of the Vietnam War and ended it
C) proclaimed the Pentagon's control over the media unconstitutional
D) made the transgression of human rights a global focus in broadcast news
56. The television coverage of human rights issues has all the effects EXCEPT _________________________ .
A) reduction in the cases of human rights violation
B) prompted attempts at censorship by dictators
C) increased respect for different cultures and attitudes
D) heightened international concern over human rights abuses
Passage Two
With the possibility that the United States may be withdrawing from the confines of the Kyoto Protocol by the end of this year, it behooves(对......来说感兴趣) responsible citizens of the world to examine the past and present implications of the international treaty. The 1992 Kyoto Protocol, signed by 174 of the world's nations, ambitiously sought to reduce worldwide emission levels by the year 2000, aiming to restore them to 1990 levels so as to slow global warming and begin the slow process of eradicating pollution. It has thus far not been entirely successfully, with its noble goals overly vague, resulting in international willingness to comply with its provisions, but lacking a structured method by which to achieve them.
Harsh criticism of the Kyoto Protocol often involves the relatively short-term nature of the project. By trying to achieve such spectacular environmental goals in such a short span of time, it has been argued that an impossibly difficult challenge has

This disparity(不一致) in commitment has been viewed as a necessity, however. Developing nations argue that their more industrialized, wealthier counterparts achieved their power and status by utilizing methods of development that resulted in pollution, and that they have a right to take their turn at using those methods. Also, it has been stated that the richer nations are those who can afford to immediately change their methods of production to comply with the goals of the Kyoto Protocol, while the other nations would find it virtually impossible to change the ways without seriously disrupting their economies.
Whatever one's stance, it is almost universally agreed upon that the Kyoto Protocol is a step in the right direction, in theory and philosophy, at the very least. The reality of practical application and implementation, however, is a very different story. With the possibility of a United States withdrawal looming, it must be considered that if the world's wealthiest and most powerful nation finds it impossible to reasonably comply with the protocol, then perhaps a more conservative and manageable plan must be considered.
57. In Paragraph 2, the "impossibly difficult challenge" probably refers to .
A) achieving the goals stated in the Kyoto Protocol
B) abiding by the rules laid down in the Kyoto Protocol
C) keeping with and maintaining the spirit of the Kyoto Protocol
D) achieving emissions standard reductions in the short span of time allowed in the Kyoto Protocol
58.The second sentence in Paragraph 3 implies that developing nations .
A) have no power to complete with developed nations
B) have the ability to develop their economies by using the traditional methods
C) treat the developed nations as enemies
D) cannot develop very fast if they do not use the methods used by the developed nations in the past
59. The author perceives the following as the weaknesses of the Kyoto Protocol EXCEPT _________________ .
A) its short-sighted nature
B) international compliance with its provisions
C) its underlying theory and plans for achieving goals
D) the lack of equity in the terms assigned to developed and developing nations
60. The author's attitude and recommendation regarding the nature of the Kyoto Protocol may best be interpreted as_______________________ .
A) "Look before you leap"
B) "You can't please everyone"
C) "Don't throw the baby out with the bath water"
D) "If at first you don't succeed, try and try again"
61. The main idea of the passage is that_______________ .
A) the possible exit of the United States could mark the end of the Kyoto Protocol
B) the terms of the Kyoto Protocol are overly ambitious, and thus inapplicable in reality
C) in order for the Kyoto Protocol to succeed, it must be reviewed and possibly modified
D) in light of its unequal treatment of under-developed nations, the Kyoto Protocol is doomed to failure
Section B
Passage One
52. B 主旨大意题根据本文的语篇特点,文章开始第一段导入话题,第二段作者提出观点:the growing effect of broadcast news technology on national and international politics was becoming increasingly evident。接下来文章介绍了新闻电视报道的作用。所以可以推知本文主旨就是B项所提到的内容。A项内容没有提到,C,D两项都是文章的细节,不能作为主旨。
53. B 细节推断题根据文章第一段的第一句"Because of satellite links which... television news."和最后一句"...‘all the world's a stage', has taken on an interesting new twist in meaning."我们可以推知由于通讯科技的进步,赋予了新闻报道方式新的变化,因此B项正确。A项错误在于拘泥于字面意思,C,D项的推断明显偏颇了,故均不选。
54. C 细节推断题根据题目中的50's和60's数字的提示,我们可以定位到第三段。例子往往是用来证明观点的,第三段第一句话就是作者提出的新闻报道的第一个作用"Because television is a close-up medium and a medium that seems to most readily involve emotions, it is most

55. D 细节归纳题根据题目中提到的人名卡特,我们可以将细节定位到第五段。由第五段可知卡特总统在任期间提出了人权是国家外交政策的"核心"(soul),然后从第六段第一句可知人权问题已成为了电视新闻的"核心"。据此,可以推知是卡特总统使得人权侵犯问题成为世界新闻媒体报道的焦点和核心,所以D项正确。A,B,C三项提到的细节都不是卡特总统的政绩,故均不选。
56. C 细节判断题本题可以采用排除法,根据最后一段的最后一句话可知A,B项表述正确,然后根据第五段可以知道D项的内容正确,只有C项内容文中未提及。
Passage Two
57. A 细节指代题根据细节指代可先定位到第二段第二句"By trying to achieve... it has been argued that an impossibly difficult challenge has

58. D 细节推断题根据第三段第二句可知,发展中国家认为发达国家不惜以牺牲环境为代价实现了现代化,因此他们也应当有权如法炮制。这句话的含义是,发达国家所用的方法有利于快速发展,发展中国家如果不能使用,发

59. C 细节判断题本题涉及京都议定书的缺陷,根据文章第四段第一句"Whatever one's stance, it is almost universally agreed upon that the Kyoto Protocol is a step in the right direction, in theory and philosophy, at the very least."可知,京都议定书的方向和理论都是正确的,因此选项C不是京都议定书的缺陷。而选项A,B和D项在文中都被认为是缺陷,所以都排除。
60. C 观点推断题 根据第四段的最后一句话,作者认为不可能完全执行遵守现行的议定书,但是相对保守、可操作性强的方案可以提出考虑。由此可见,作者的观点

61. C 主旨推断题 本题和上一题密切关联,根据文章的第一段最后一句话和第四段的最后一句话我们可以确定作者的观点

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