Until recently most historians spoke very critically of the Industrial Revolution. They 41 that in the long run industrialization greatly raised the standard of living for the 42 man. But they insisted that its 43 results during the period from 1750 to 1850 were widespread poverty and

The view, 47 , is generally thought to be wrong. Specialists 48 history and economics, have 49 two things: that the period from 1650 to 1750 was 50 by great poverty, and that industrialization certainly did not worsen and may have actually improved the conditions for the majority of the populace.
41. [A] admitted [B] believed [C] claimed [D] predicted
42. [A] plain [B] average [C] mean [D] normal
43. [A] momentary [B] prompt [C] instant [D] immediate
44. [A] bulk [B] host [C] gross [D] magnitude
45. [A] On [B] With [C] For [D] By
46. [A] broadly [B] thoroughly [C] generally [D] completely
47. [A] however [B] meanwhile [C] therefore [D] moreover
48. [A] at [B] in [C] about [D] for
49. [A] manifested [B] approved [C] shown [D] speculated
50. [A] noted [B] impressed [C] labeled [D] marked
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