1. 对译文的主要要求是“正确”和“表达清楚”,对英语译文的其他方面不做过高的要求。
2. 添加不必要的词语时,如不影响句义,不扣分;如影响句义,应扣分。
3. 如译文与原文的句义相反,及时局部译对,全句也不给分。
4. 一题二译时,只按第一个译文给分。
二、 大纲样题
Directions: Complete the sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets.
72.It was essential that _______________(我们在月底签订合同)。
73.To our delight, she ________________(进大学一个月就适应了校园生活)。
74.The new government was accused_____________________(未实现其降低失业率的承诺)。
75.The workmen think ___________________(遵守安全规则很重要)。
76.The customer complained that no sooner_______________(他刚试着使用这台机器,它就不运转了)。
Directions: Complete the sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets.
Please write you translation on Answer sheet 2.
82.But for mobile phones, ________________________(我们的通信就不可能如此迅速和方便)。
83.In handing an embarrassing situation._____________________(没有什么比幽默感更有帮助的了)。
84.The Foreign Minister said he was resigning._________________(但他拒绝了进一步解释这样做的原因)。
85.Hunmen behavior is mostly a product of learning.__________________(而动物的行为主要依靠本能)。
86.The witness was told that under no circumstances_________________(他都不应该对法庭说谎)。
82. The auto manufacturers found themselves ________________________ (正在同外国公司竞争市场的份额).
83. Only in the small town ________________________ (他才感到安全和放松).
84. It is absolutely unfair that these children ________________________ (被剥夺了受教育的权利).
85. Our years of hard work are all in vain, ________________________ (更别提我们花费的大量金钱了).
86. The problems of blacks and women ________________________ (最近几十年受到公众相当大的关注).
72. If you had ________ (听从了我的忠告,你就不会陷入麻烦).
73. With tears on her face, the lady ________ (看着她受伤的儿子被送进手术室).
74. After the terrorist attack, tourists ________ (被劝告暂时不要去该国旅游).
75. I prefer to communicate with my customers ________ (通过写电子邮件而不是打电话).
76. ________ (直到截止日他才寄出) his application form.
Directions: Complete the sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets.
1. He told me that hardly______________(他一到家她就抱怨起来)。
2. It is recommended_________________(在做好所有准备之前这个项目是不会开始的)。
3. A firm success___________________(取决于他的工作者的效率)。
4. The grandeur of the grand Canyon________________(吸引了来自世界各地的游客)。
5. Elizabeth had some jewelry______________(从她外婆那里继承来的)。
1.It was essential___________________(在截止日期前寄回申请表)。
2.I went to see William,__________________(结果发现他前两天已经走了)。
3.He flatly contradicted the audience was instantaneous; no sooner ____________________(讲演刚结束,听众就爆发了热烈的掌声)。
4.Should it rains,____________________(农作物就得救了)。
1.Joe was expelled from school____________________(因为作弊)。
2.It’s high time___________________(把我们的注意力放在这个问题上)。
3.The prisoner has been______________________(被剥夺了许多普通公民应有的权利)。
4.Without your help,________________(我们不会有那么快的进步)。
5.In retrospect, the meeting_________________(比我们想象的还要成功)。
1.It is imperative___________________________(你亲自去那里)。
2.Only in this way ____________________(我们能够准时到达目的地)。
3.To our surprise, he _________________(把所有钱花在建设这所医院上)。
4.Had electronic computers not been invented,_____________________(很多关于太空飞行的问题不能解决了)。
5.Instead of by force, he___________________(靠说服力赢得他们的支持)。
1.The government is being criticized__________________(对公众隐瞒真相)。
2.We are convinced______________________(只要我们努力就能达到目标)。
3.But for the fog,_________________(我们已经到达我们的目的地了)。
4.My boss often__________________(提醒我要利用一切机会提高自己的交际能力)。
5.The teacher felt unhappy because ________________(新的教学楼何时建好还是个问题)。
1.It has became a new policy that ___________________(这个部门领导的职位每年轮换一次)。
2._____________________(第一次来这里的普通游客也许看不出差别),but the staff members know it.
3.We get news that________________________(凡是想参加这次旅游的人都必须先订机票)。
4.They didn’t talk much_________________(害怕别人听到了)。

1.After thinking for a while day,________________(他宁愿保持中立而不愿意站在任何一方)。
2.______________________(既然我们无法测出噪音的增减量),we never know to what danger we are encountered.
3.The light of the car was light,_______________________(但无论是父亲还是孩子都不在车里)。
4.She always went shopping in a remote supermarket____________________(这样一来她就不会经常碰到自己的同事了)。
5.It is hoped that ____________________________(到新的工作岗位他的才干能得到比以往更好的发挥)。
1.She felt depressed because ________________________(她

2.It is quite strange that ______________________(无论他说什么、做什么都被认为是对的)。
3._________________________(化学老师从学生中随便叫了几个人)and asked them to help him do the experiment.
4.Having lived in the south for many years ,________________________(一些人却仍然不适应那里既炎热又潮湿的天气)。
5.Not before in our history______________________(这么多强烈的影响共同导致产生这样的的灾难)。
1.People in some big cities are highly mobile,____________________(因此很多人发现很难彼此深交)。
2.My friend warned me________________________(不要把钥匙留在车上,已经发生了多起偷车里东西的事件)。
3.It is a paradox that ____________________(如此

4.After a long discussion, the workers have finally___________________(达成一致,决定罢工应再持续两天)。
5.The house was on fire now ,__________________(但那个小伙子在救那个小男孩时表现出了极大的勇气)。
1.Her friends all felt ___________________(她自从迁居南方做生意后就变得精于世道了)。
2._________________________(最后一个学生做完练习时已经很晚了),and we were dismissed immediately.
3.__________________________(尽管他们赞同推迟会议的意见),they didn’t dare to speak out publicly.
4.__________________________( 她一

5.People here still keep their lifestyle today_____________________(殊不知他们的习惯对自己和后代都有害)。
第二部分 翻译
72.we sign the contract before the end of the month
73.adapted(herself) to campus life a month after entering college
74.of failure to fulfill its promise to reduce the unemployment rate
75.it very important to comply with /follow the safety regulations
76.had he tried using the machine than it stopped working
82.our communication could not/would not be so rapid and convenient
83.noting is more helpful than a sense of humor
84.but he refused to elaborate on the reasons (for doing so )
85.but animal behavior is mainly that of instinct
86.should he lie to the court
82. competing with foreign firms for market share
83. does he feel secure and relaxed
84. are deprived of the rights to receive education
85. not to mention / let alone the large amount of money we have spent
86. have gained / caused considerable public concern in recent decades
72. followed my advice, you would not be in trouble now.
73. watched her injured son sent into the operation room.
74. were advised not to travel to that country at the moment
75. via/with/though E-mail instead of telephone
76. Not until the

1.had he returned home when she started complaining
2.that the project (should)

3.depends on its workers’ s efficiency
4.draes tourists from all over the world
5.which had been handed on from her grandmother
1.that the application forms be sent back before the deadline
2.only to learn that he had left two days before
3.that he was too lazy to work
4.had the speaker finished than the audience burst into applause
5.the crops would be saved
1.for cheating in his exams
2. we turned our attention to this problem
3. deprived of many privileges that average citizens enjoy
4.we would not have made such rapid progress
5.was more successful than we had imagined
1.that you (should) be there in person
2.can we arrive at the destination on time
3.spent all his money on building this hospital
4.many problems of space flight could not have been solved
5.won their support by persuasion
1.for hiding the truth from the public
2.that we can achieve our goal as long ad we try hard
3.we should have reached our destination
4.reminds me to avail myself of every chance to improve my communicative ability
5.it remained a question when the new classroom building would be completed
1.the leadership of this department rotates annually
2.Ordinary visitors who come here for the first time probably won’t notice the difference
3.people who wish to go on the tour must book plane tickets first
4.for fear that others might hear their secrets
5.the project be expected to take three to four years
1.he preferred being neutral to taking sides
2.Since we can not measure the increase or decrease of noise
3.but neither the father nor his children were in the car
4.so that she would’ t often meet her own colleagues
5.in the new job his talents will be better utilized than before
1.she was well aware that her children would never returned
2.whatever he says and whatever he does are always considered to be right
3.the chemical teacher picked several students at random
4.some people still can’t adapt to the hot and humid weather
5.have so many strong influences united to product such a large disaster
1.and therefore many find it difficult to became deeply involved with each other
2.not to leave my car unlocked as there had been lots of stealing from cars
3.such a rich country should have so many poor people living in it
4.reached the decision that they should hold on their strike for two more days
5.but the young man demonstrated great courage saving the little boy
1.he has become sophisticated since she went to live in the south and did business there
2.It was very late when the last student finished the exercises
3.Ever if they were in favor of the idea of postponing the meeting
4.she read the article aloud again and again
5.without knowing that their habits are doing harm to themselves and their offspring
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