2011.6.18 英语六级真题答案(新东方)


The Certificate Craze

Almost no one in China has failed to notice the phenomenon that a growing number of people are enthusiastic about pursuing various kinds of certificates. Taking a look around, one can find numerous examples with ease. A common case in point is that students spend a great deal of time and energy attending a great variety of certificate-oriented training courses to ensure a better score。

The purpose of acquiring certificates varies from individuals to individuals. For students, as the job market competition is becoming increasingly fierce, not only can a certain certificate prove their capabilities, but also will put them in a favorable position in the employment market and the development of their career. When it comes to white-collared workers, more job-related certificates often guarantee greater opportunities for a salary raise and promotion. What’s more, it is also a ideal way to enhance their job techniques and sharpen their competitiveness。

From my perspective, the merits of pursuing certificates are self-evident. However, we should also bear in mind that it is the practical skills, such as management, cooperation, communication, rather than certificates that guarantee one’s accomplishment in career. Accordingly, we might as well attach great importance to both certificates and the improvement of one’s comprehensive abilities。


1. B: The low graduation rates of minority students。
2. D: Its increased enrollment of minority students。
3. D: It is going to lose its competitive edge in highereducation。
4. C: Fifteen percent。
5. B:they recruit the best students。

6. A:Universities are to blame。
7. B:They cannot afford the high tuition。
8. they are loss qualified。
9. preparatory courses。
10. be closed。


11 C) She has not got the man’s copies for her
12 B) She was late for the appointment
13 C) It won’t be easy for Mark to win the election
14 A) It failed to arrive at its destination in time
15 A) Just make use of whatever information is available

16 D) The woman isn’t qualified to take the course the manmentioned
17 A) They are both to blame
18 A) They are in desperate need of financial assistance
19 C) We derive some humorous satisfaction from theirmisfortune
20 C) They don’t know how to cope with the situation

21 A) They themselves would like to do it but don’t dare to
22 C) To relieve her feelings
23 D) Bringing a handgun into Hong Kong
24 D) He is suspected of having cet6w.com Kunmar’sbag
25 B) Find Alfred Foster

26 B) They think travel gives them their money’s worth
27 D) Launch a new program of adventure trips
28 B) The way people travel
29 B) The changing roles played by men and women
30 A) Offer more creative and practical ideas than men

31 C) To show that women are capable of doing what men do
32 B) Reporting criminal offenses in Greenville
33 D) It has fewer violent crimes than big cities
34 A) There are a wide range of cases
35 A) Write about something pleasant

In America, people are faced with more and more decisions everyday, whether it’s picking one of thirty-one ice cream(36)flavors, or deciding whether and when to get married.That sounds like a great thing, but as a recent study has shown,too many choices can make us (37)confused, unhappy, evenparalyzed with indecision. ‘That’s (38)particularly truewhen it comes to the work place’, says Barry Schwartz, an author ofsix books about human (39)behavior. Students are graduatingwith a (40)variety of skills and interests, but often findthemselves (41)overwhelmed when it comes to choosing anultimate career goal. In a study, Schwartz observed decision-makingamong college students during their (42)senior year. Basedon answers to questions regarding their job hunting(43)strategies and career decisions, he divided the studentsinto two groups: maximizers, who consider every possible option, andsatisficers, who look until they find an option that is goodenough. You might expect that the student (44)who had undertakenthe most exhausted search would be the most satisfied with theirfinal decision, but it turns out that’s not true. Schwartzfound that while maximizers ended up with better-paying jobs thansatisficers on average, they weren’t as happy with their decision.The reason (45)why these people feel less satisfied is that aworld of possibilities may also be a world of missedopportunities. When you look at every possible option, you tendto focus more on what was given up than what was gained. Aftersurveying every option, (46)a person is more acutely aware ofthe opportunities they had to turn down to pursue just onecareer。


52.D: The general public thinks differently from mosteconomists on the impact of immigration。
53.B: They can get consumer goods at lowerprices。
54.C: They have a harder time getting a jobwith decent pay。
55 D: It may place a great strain on the statebudget。
56.C: People are making too big a fuss aboutsomething of small impact。

57.A: Great diversity。
58.B: It will produce business leaders of a uniform style。
59.C: Attitude and approach to business。
60.C: Applicants from outside the traditional sectors。
61.D:It is shifting towards more collaborative models。


82. would rather stop to enjoy the beautifulscenery
83. neither chose to give cet6w.com
84. could have cured the cancer patient
85. so kind of you to have given me so muchhelp
86. before they got reunited

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