- it's supposed to be... - all these privileges you got, - like running P.I.... - they're gone. - Get it done, John. - Falzone Enterprises. - Get Philly. - Mr. Falzone's not available. - You tell him it's - John Abruzzi calling. - I'm sorry, I didn't realize. - Well, now you do. - I'm sorry, - he's going to have to call you back. - What? Hey... - I'm sorry. - About before. - Pressure's getting to us, - that's all. - Good news is nobody - can reach us out here. - My old man made sure of that. - Never even hooked - up a telephone. - Same with the well - and the generator. - You know, I used to think he was some - kind of conspiracy theory wacko. - Turns out maybe he was right. - I can't stay, Nick. - I got to get back. - He's got less than two weeks. - The old man used to call - this his "serious" tie. - He only wore it - when he really... - really meant business. - Be dangerous, you know, - showing our faces again. - Not if they're not - looking for us. - They think we're dead, right? - I know. - How long's that going to last? - Got to be quick, - be smart about it. - Way I see it, we're just - going to be running in circles - if we think we're going to find - exculpatory evidence before - the execution-- - proof he didn't do it. - I've gone up against pretty much - every prosecutor in Cook County. - A man gets murdered,
- the first person they want to talk to - to see who his real enemies were-- - the wife. - You want to go after - the queen bee herself? - Leslie Steadman. - Everyone in town knows the old bird - lunches at the Lexington every day. - With the society set. - Hey. Hey! Hey! - Hey, slow it down. - Slow it down! - Easy, my man. - You're going to give us away. - Bull's coming. - Let's move. - Hurry up, guys. Move it! - Everybody out. - What? - I said, everybody out! Now. - Move it! - Where are we going? - Down there. Around the corner. - And don't move a damn - muscle till I come get you. - Go. - What the hell's going on? - We're so bad, aren't we? - Damn skimpy. Let's go. - You got to give us more - of a warning next time. - I'm sorry. - He just showed up. - Oh, we're going to get caught. - By who? - By the warden. - Baby, right now, in this room... - at this moment... - I... am the warden. - Say it. - No, I'm not going to say it. - Come on, baby. Say it. - Say it, baby. Come on! - You're the warden, Louis! - The sneaky son of a bitch. - You think he found the hole? - Another inch and - he'd have found it. - We need to find something - to cover this hole ASAP. - Broke? What do you mean broke? - The C-Corp. - The investment accounts. - Even the offshore stuff, - Caymans, Bermuda. - Philly Falzone - liquidated everything. - Hey, I told you - from the beginning - what would happen - if you screwed me. - And I heeded it. - That's why I warned you from the get-go - not to give Philly power of attorney. - We had that - conversation, remember? - Look, the only real - funds you have left - are the 30,000 in your - wife's pocket account. - Now, I could... - - Don't... - Don't touch that. - Nobody touches that but her. - What do I tell her? - You know, about all of this? - Don't tell her anything. Okay? - The statements - are going to come. - - She's going to know. - Hey, I told you... - Don't... tell... her. Right? - Is that a problem? - Okay, John. - You know where to contact me - if you need anything else. - The same goes for you. - Hey. - Hey! - Philly. - How are you? - So good to see you. - For you, - the answer is always yes, Philly. - Sit down. - Sit down. - Come on, John. - Looks like there's no record of - a Fox River Medical Practice - on our list of - participating HMOs or PPOs. - Okay, that's because we're - a state penitentiary, - and we're actually in kind - of a unique situation here. - Mr. Scofield's insurance policy from - his previous employer hasn't lapsed yet. - For that reason, - the state's demanding that - you pay for his treatment - and not the taxpayers. - Okay... Well, it says here he - already met his deductible... - Okay. - Oh, no, wait, that's his psych - deductible, not his medical. - Sorry, "psych" as - in "psychiatric"? - I give you permission - to call to Philly? - Hey, I asked you - a question, man. - Listen, there, uh... - there's been a restructuring. - This comes from Philly himself. - You couldn't - deliver Fibonacci... - so I'm The Man in here now. - Hey, jelly wad... - run to the commissary, - get me a bag of chips, - we'll pretend this - never happened, right? - Yeah, I'm telling you, John. - the sooner you face these facts, - the better off we will all be. - I could kill you - in a heartbeat. - Somehow I doubt that. - The sooner you face facts, - the better off we will all be. - You're yesterday's news, John. - What's the word, brother man? - You all cooking brownies or what? - Act your race, milk chicken. - What's your deal, yo? - You got tough buckets or somethin'? - You're a disgrace to your skin, - you know that? - The boy just slipped. - The boy just slipped. - Ain't that right? - Come on, stand up. - All right, cons, - back to your cells. Go! - What's your name, boy? - Who's that? - Shearing. - Shearing, you've heard - about my kid, right? - Take the tray, Linc. - I, uh... - I just need to call him. - Just... - take the tray, - or I'm going to shove it in there - and you can eat it off the ground. - You had a son. - Josh. - Don't do anything stupid, Linc. - I'm not, I... - I just want to ask you a question - then I'm going to let go. - What if it were, Josh? - What if it were your son? - Please. - Dad? - LJ. Thank God. - Are you all right? - No. I'm nowhere near it. - What do you mean? - Where are you? - What they're saying about me-- - it's not true. - I know it's not true.