
  —You’re not much of a rock and roll fan, are you?
  —It’s far from being my favorite kind of music,that’s for sure.(这里的be far from短语意思是“远非”,可理解为“这根本不是我所喜欢的音乐”)
1、Why don’t you/Why not...?这种句型相对来说比较简单,意思是“为什么不呢?”,但我们还是应该注意它真正表达的是一个肯定概念,即“建议做某事”。如:
  — John,I don’t know what to get for your father.He has just about everything,doesn’t he?
  — Do you have any suggestions?
  —Why don’t you get him a pocket calculator?(1990年6月)

2、Do you mind...?问句的回答用No, of course not.或者Not at all.。虽然字面上是否定的,
  —Do you mind if I borrow your note?
  —No,of course not.They are on my desk.(1994年1月)(cet6w.com用)

  —When can the doctor see me?
  —He won’t be free until tomorrow.(1995年1月)(意思是直到明天才能见你)

  —I think it’s high time we turned our attention to the danger of drunk driving now.
  —I can’t agree with you more. You see countless innocent people are killed by drunk drivers each year.(1997年6月)(意思是说后者非常同意第一人的观点)

5、Without a doubt;Don’t mention it;No problem等作为回答的否定句型。这些我们常用的作为回答的句型,其实在语境中通常是用作肯定的回答,意思是“没问题”,肯定是这样的。如:
  —Do you think we have to review the chapter of Industrial Revolution?
  —Without a doubt,it will be on the exam.
6、由一些除not和never之外的否定词如hardly,seldom ,scarcely,rarely等构成的句型。这种句型其实本身就应归结为否定句,但在此将其放到这里是想强调这些句子如果出现在听力理解当中,学生经常容易疏忽这些词的否定意思,因此需特别留意。如:
  —What a surprise!Tim has improved his English so much after a holiday abroad.
—I can hardly hear an accent.(意思是几乎听不出有任何地方口音)

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