

1.动词+ with
a)动词+ with。with接对象或目标,意思为“与…,从…”:agree with同意;
适应, begin with从…开始, continue with继续, do with应付, deal with对付,
fight with与…作战, fool with愚弄, hurry with忙于, mix with与…混合在一起,
meet with偶遇, play with把玩, quarrel with与某人争吵,
reason with与某人评理, settle with与人协商。例如:
Let’s begin our class with an English song.
I meant to reason with you, but you won’t reason.
b)动词+ sth./sb. + with + sth./sb.。介词with意为“以,用”:
compare with与…比较, combine with与…混合, equip with以…装备,
feed with用…喂养, furnish with用…装饰, provide with提供,
replace with以…替代, supply with供给。例如:
Education must be combined with productive labour.
They replaced slave labour with machines.
2. be +形容词/过去分词+ with。介词with表示情绪的原因、
凭借等意思:be angry with恼怒, be annoyed with使烦恼,
be busy with忙于, be bored with使烦心, be burdened with担负,
be crowded with拥挤着, be connected with与…联系,
be covered with覆盖着, be concerned with关心, be content with对…满意,
be disappointed with失望于, be delighted with对…感到高兴,
be engaged with忙碌于, be exhausted with由于…而极度疲倦,
be filled with充满, be familiar with熟悉, be friendly with对…友好,
be occupied with忙碌, be overcome with极为, be popular with受…欢迎,
be patient with对…有耐心, be pleased with对…高兴,
be satisfied with满意于, be strict with对…严格,
be wrong with有毛病, be wild with因…而欣喜。例如:
He was much annoyed with his son’s behavior.
I’m fully occupied with my daily work.

When he caught sight of her, he was overcome with despair.
3.动词+副词/介词短语+with构成的词组: catch up with赶上,
do away with废除, fall in love with爱上,
get together with与…联欢,keep in touch with保持联系,keep up with赶上。

二、英 语 中 的 概 数

学生在初中阶段学习了many, much, any, some等表示数量多少的概数,
在高中阶段又接触了a great deal of, a large number of,
scores of, dozens of, hundreds of thousands of等大量的概数。


1.限定可数名词的概数: many, a good/great many, many a, (not/quite)a few,
few, several, a ( good ) multitude of, a couple of, dozens of, scores of,
a score of, hundreds/thousands/millions…of, a ( great/large ) number of,
numbers of, a group of, a team of, one out of/in ten, a pack of( 一群 )
Many hands make light work.众人拾柴火焰高。
A great many guests were invited to dinner.邀请大批客人就餐。
Many a ship has been wrecked on the rocks.不少船只撞在岩石上失事。
My friend speaks several languages.我朋友会讲好几种语言。
There are a couple of vacant rooms behind the office.办公室后有两三间空房。
He planned to buy dozens of reference books.他打算买几本参考书。
I’d escaped death a score of times by a hair’s breadth.我多次死里逃生。
I’ve been there scores of times.我多次到过那里。
I have a number of things that I must see to.我有很多事要处理。
Numbers of people came to the meeting from all over the country.
A group of children were playing tag.一群孩子正在拔河
Few words are best.少言最妙。
Three are too many to keep a secret and too few to be merry.
Not a few readers wrote letters of commendation to the magazine.
There are quite a few students absent from class today.今天有不少学生缺课。
In some parts of Britain, one person in ten, by the age of thirty,
has no teeth left.英国有些地方十分之一的人年方三十,牙齿就脱光了。
A multitude of people assembled in the stadium.大批观众聚集在运动场。
They’re just a pack of liars.他们不过是一群骗子而已。
2.限定不可数名词的概数: a little, little, much, a bit of,
a good/great deal of, a large/great amount of, amounts of
I like the country, but I have little opportunity of seeing it.
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.缺乏知识是一件危险的事。
The English do not drink much wine.英国人饮酒不多。
Let’s have a bit of music.让咱们来点音乐。
He has given me a great deal of help.他已给我不少帮助。
A large amount of damage was done in a very short time.短期内造成了巨大损失。
He must often memorize large amounts of material.他一定经常记住了不少素材。
3.限定可数或不可数名词的概数: some, any, a lot of, lots of,
lots and lots of, plenty of, a great/large/vast/quantity of,
quantities of, enough, no end of ( 不少 )
Now you can give me some advice.现在你可以给我提点建议。
Ask some boys to help you.请些男孩来帮你。
If there is any trouble, let me know.如果有什么困难要让我知道。
What a lot of time you take to dress!你在穿戴上花的时间过多。
There are lots of things I can do.有许多事我能做。
When I was in London I saw lots and lots of her.我在伦敦常见到她。
She has plenty of imagination.她的想像力挺丰富。
I have plenty of humorous tales.我有不少幽默故事。
He collected a quantity of curious information.他收集了很多稀奇古怪的消息。
We’ve had quantities of rain this summer.今年夏天雨水充足。
Quantities of food were on the table.桌上有很多食物。
I had not enough confidence to go head.我没有太大的信心继续下去了。
We have enough seats for everyone.我们可为大家提供足够的座位。
I’ve warned you no end of times not to touch that machine.
We had no end of fun at the party.我们在宴会上很开心。

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