

1.以容器量化的方式表达概数: a bag of, two baskets of,
a mouthful of, a plate of, a pot of, a mug of, a pack of ( 一包 ),
a pail of( 一桶 ),a bowl of, a basin of, three cups of
We bought three bags of groceries.我们买了三袋食品。
They ate a basket of plums.他们吃了一篮李子。
If there’s only a mouthful of food left in the bowl,
I will give it to you.如果有我一口饭,我都让给你。
On the table was a plate of beef and vegetables.
Father is a heavy smoker. He smoked a pack of cigarettes a day.
Two pots of jam were used in cooking.做饭用了两瓶果酱。
I have a mug of milk and some bread for my breakfast.

2.用介词结构表达概数: in large quantities, in great numbers,
in large amounts, , in pairs, in groups, in pieces, in dozens,
in scores, in one’s thousands, in one’s thirties, in bulk,
in multitude, in plenty, in the 1990’s, in quantity, in pack,
by ones and twos, by twos and threes , over..., around…, about…,
below…, more than…, without numbers
Pack them in dozens.论打包装。
He is a young man in his thirties.他是一位30多岁的年轻人。
People came in scores.大家结队而来。
Activities are coming forward in great numbers.活动积极分子纷纷涌向前来。
They wandered off in pairs and chatted about their own affairs.
Things are usually cheaper if they are bought in bulk.
Resources in plenty can be found in this territory.
The farms have water in plenty to last through the dry season.
Heroic fighters emerged in multitude.
It is often less expensive to buy goods in quantity.
Some people are standing about in small groups under the tree.
People began to leave the meeting by ones and twos.
Wolves hunt in packs.狼成群捕食。

3.借比喻或引申表达概数: a mountain of, an ocean of, oceans of,
bags of( 很多 ), a dose of( 大量 ),a stream of,
a suggestion of ( 一点点 ), a suspicion of( 少许 )
He has a mountain of dirty clothes to wash.
A mountain of letters arrived just after the report.
Oceans of time and money were/ An ocean of time
and money was spent on the project.大量时间和大批资金都投入到这项工程。
No need to be hurried. We have bags of time.
There were bags of opportunities, but they lost them all.
In the accident, the workers received a heavy dose of radiation.
Streams of cars were passing by.一串串汽车急驰而过。
There was a suggestion of boredom in his tone.在他声音里有一丝疲乏。
She added a suspicion of garlic to the stew.他在燉肉里加了一点蒜。
There was a suspicion of tears in her eyes.他的眼中有一丝泪痕。

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