Section A
Questions 47 to 51 are based on the following passage.
Laziness is a sin, everyone knows that. We have probably all had lectures pointing out that laziness is immoral, that it is wasteful, and that lazy people will never amount to anything in life. But laziness can be more harmful than that, and it is often caused by more complex reasons than simple wish to avoid work. Some people who appear to be lazy are suffering from much more serious problems. They may be so distrustful of their fellow workers that they are unable to join in any group task for fear of ridicule or fear of having their ideas stolen. These people who seem lazy may

Laziness can actually be helpful. Like procrastinators, some people may look lazy when they are really thinking, planning, contemplating, researching. We should remember that some great scientific discoveries occurred by chance or while someone was "goofing off." Newton wasn't working in the orchard when the apple hit him and he devised the theory of gravity. All of us would like to have some "lazy" build the car or stove we buy, particularly if that "laziness" were caused by the worker's taking time to check each step of his work and to do his job right. And sometimes, being "lazy"—that is, taking time off for a rest—is good for the overworked student or executive. Taking a rest can be particularly helpful to the athlete who is trying too hard, to doctor who's simply working himself overtime too many evenings, at the clinic. So be careful when you're tempted to call someone lazy. That person may be thinking, resting, or planning his or her next book.
47. What is the main idea of this passage?
48. According to the first paragraph, some people appear lazy because ___________________ _ .
49. What do you think of laziness according to the second paragraph?
50. According to the author, we cannot call the people lazy who are not at work because _______________________.
51. The word "fantasies" probably means _______________________.
Section B
Passage One
Questions 52 to 56 are based on the following passage.
The Super Bowl is one of the biggest events on the advertising calendar, as companies vie to produce the most memorable and innovative ads. The battle for the National Football League's ultimate prize attracts more viewers than anything else on American television and provides a "symbolic pulsetaking" for the advertising industry every February, says John Frelinghuysen, an analyst at Bain and Company, a consultancy. But this year the patient is in poor health. All the advertising slots(广告摊位) for the 2008 Super Bowl had been sold by the end of November 2007, despite the $ 2.6 million price of each. For 2009 the price has risen to $ 3 million, but at least, ten slots (out of 67) are still looking for a buyer.
General Motors, which ran 11 ads on Super Bowl Sunday in February 2008, has already said that it will not run any in 2009. America's two other big carmakers, Ford and Chrysler, are likely to follow suit. Tellingly, Monster com, an online job-search company, said recently that it was buying a slot. Instead of the usual parade of expensive ads paying tribute to American consumerism, 2009's Super Bowl will reflect a country in recession and indicate a hard year for the advertising industry.
Most forecasts for next year say that ad spending in America will decline by 5% or more. Much depends on the fate of the automotive industry: carmakers and dealers normally spend around $ 20 billion a year on advertising, but Chrysler and Ford scaled back their expenditure by more than 30% in the first nine months of 2008, and are expected to make further cuts in 2009 as they struggle for survival.
The car industry's situation will hurt all media, but especially television. Analysts at BMO Capital Markets predict that total spending on television ads will fall by almost 9% next year. Only newspapers, where a decline of 12% is expected, are forecast to fare worse. Carmakers have already shifted some of their advertising spending to the Internet, and are likely to go further in 2009. Car ads make up 25% of advertising revenues for local television channels, and carmakers have been among the most consistent buyers of high-priced ads on national television.
So far local stations have been most affected by falling spending on advertising. National stations have been safer, because they operate on longer-term contracts with advertisers. But in the New Year they will also feel the chill, as companies fail to renew their contracts. Television, which has remained strong as print media have lost advertising dollars and readers to the Internet, could enter a decline of its own. "Next on the list is TV stations," says Anthony Diclemente, a media analyst at Barclays Capital.
52. Why does the author give the example of Super Bowl?
A) Because it is the most popular football games in America.
B) Because it shows advertisers' enthusiasm in running slots has dropped.
C) Because it is an event that attracts the attention of advertisers.
D) Because it will be right on in America in 2009.
53. Why can't at least ten slots find a buyer (Last sentence, Para. 1 ) according to the passage?
A) The price for running the advertising slots has risen to $ 3 million.
B) It is not attractive any more for the advertising industry.
C) The advertising industry is suffering a hard year.
D) The advertising slots have been on the rise since 2007.
54. What may the carmakers resort to for promoting their automobiles and cutting down expenditure?
A) Buying low-priced ads on national television.
B) Renewing new contracts with national stations.
C) Shifting their advertising spending to the Internet.
D) Relying on such print media as newspaper.
55. What does the sentence "Next on the list is TV stations" ( last paragraph) said by Anthony Diclemente mean?
A) What he is going to analyze next is TV stations.
B) What advertisers prefer to use is TV stations.
C) TV station is the next to be defeated by Internet.
D) He would choose TV station as a second choice.
56. We can learn from the passage that ______.
A) Ford and Chrysler will run the advertising slots in 2009
B) 2009's Super Bowl will still be an expensive ads parade
C) America's ad spending this year will decline by 5% or more
D) Carmakers' fate determines to certain extent the ad spending in America
Passage Two
Questions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage.
According to some individuals, if your house is built in the right position, this may affect your success in life, which seems strange to many people. However, to believers in Feng-Shui, or the art of geomancy, not only the position but also the choice of decorations and even the color of your home can mean the difference between good fortune and disaster. This art has been practiced for centuries in China and is still used all over South East Asia. Even the huge Hong Kong banks call in a geomant if they are planning to build new offices. They have such faith in his knowledge that if he advises them to move, they will alter their plans for even their biggest buildings.
Like many Oriental beliefs the geomant's skill depends on the idea of harmony in nature. If there is no imbalance between the opposing forces of Yin and Yang, the building will bring luck to its inhabitants. This means that the house must be built on the right spot as well as facing the right direction, and also be painted an auspicious color. For instance, if there are mountains to the north, this will protect them from evil influences. If the house is painted red, this will bring happiness to the occupants while green symbolizes youth and will bring long life. Other factors, such as the owner's time and date of birth, are taken into account, too. The geomant believes that unless all these are considered when choosing a site for construction, the fortune of the people using it will be at risk.
Indeed, to ignore the geomant's advice can have fatal results. The death of the internationally famous Kung-Fu star, Brucee Lee, has been used as an example. It is said that when Lee found out that the house he was living in was an unlucky one, he followed a geomant's advice and installed an eight-sided mirror outside his front door to bring him luck. Unfortunately, a storm damaged the mirror and the house was left unprotected from harmful influences.

Not only is Feng-Shui still used in South East Asia, but it has also spread right across the world. Even in modern New York a successful commercial artist called Milton Glaser has found it useful. He was so desperate

57. From the passage we can infer that Feng-Shui is NOT used in ______.
A) Hong Kong
B) the United States
C) Japan
D) Thailand
58. Geomants believe that ______.
A) houses must only be painted red
B) houses must face mountains
C) nature and life should be in harmony
D) green is an unlucky color
59. Geomants think that the reason for Bruce Lee's death is that ______.
A) he didn't follow the geomants' advice
B) he installed an eight-sided mirror
C) he misunderstood the geomant's advice
D) a storm damaged the protection for his house
60. The story of Milton Glaser shows that ______.
A) colors are not important in geomancy
B) geomancy is used by artists
C) geomancy is used in the West
D) the fight against crime is being won
61. Which of the following best describes geomancy?
A) It is a style of Oriental decoration.
B) It is a type of painting.
C) it is an ancient Chinese belief called Feng-Shui.
D) It is an architectural design.
Section A
【47】【49】事实上懒惰可能会有帮助。就像那些有拖沓习惯的人一样,有些人看起来很懒,但实际上他们在思考问题、制定计划、深入思索、进行研究。我们应该记住,有些伟大的科学发现是偶然发生的,或恰好有人“不经意时看到”。苹果砸到牛顿时,他并不在果园里工作,而他却发现了万有引力定律。我们都希望“懒惰的人”构造我们所买的车或炉子,尤其是这种“懒惰”出现的原因是,工人要花时间去一步步检查自己的工作,来把工作做好。有时候,“懒惰” ——即,花时间休息一下——对超量工作的学生或行政长官来讲很有好处。对拼命训练的运动员或在医院连续数夜加班的医生来讲,休息一下特别有好处。所以,当你想叫别人“懒人”时,一定要小心。【48】那个人有可能正在思考问题,正在休息,或正在构思下一部书。
47.答案There are advantages and disadvantages in being lazy.
48.答案they are distrustful of their fellow workers
49答案Laziness can actually be helpful sometimes.
50答案they may be thinking,resting,or planning their next work
Section B
Passage One
超级杯是广告日程上的大事之一,这是各大公司相互竞争,推出最值得纪念的、最新颖的广告。Bain and Company公司的分析师、顾问John Frelinghuysen认为,美国国家美式足球联盟最高奖项的角逐,比任何电视节目都吸引观众,每年二月份都为广告业提供了一个所谓“诊脉”的机会。但是今年病人的身体状况不佳。【52】尽管每个摊位价格高达两千六百万美元,2008年超级杯的广告摊位于2007年11月末已全部卖完。2009年价位上涨到三百万美元,但至今至少有10个摊位(总共67个)依然在寻找买主。
【52】通用汽车在2008年二月份第一个星期天举行的超级杯赛事中共有11个广告,但如今它已声明说2009年它不会有任何广告。其他美国的两家汽车制造商,福特和克莱斯勒很有可能会效仿。网上求职公司Monster com最近炫耀,自己买了一个摊位。和往年昂贵广告一字排开、赞赏美国消费主义不一样,【53】2009年的超级杯反映国家在处于经济消退期,暗示对广告业来讲将是艰苦的一年。
迄今为止,下降的广告开支已经对地方电视台造成了严重影响。国家电视台情况好一点,因为他们和广告商的合同是长期的。但新年里他们也会感觉到凉意,因为公司不会再续约。【55】在打印媒体把广告收入和读者让给了网络之时,电视的地位依然强势,而此刻却可能要下滑。Barclays Capital的媒体分析师Anthony Diclemente说,“下一个要让位的是电视台。”www.233.com考试就上考试大
Passage Two
【57】【60】风水不仅在东南亚盛行,现在传播到了全世界。即使在最现代的纽约,非常成功的商业艺术家Milton Glaser也发现它很有用。歹徒破门进入他办公室六次,他很绝望,咨询了风水师。风水师告诉他,安装一个鱼缸,放6条黑色的鱼,房顶装一个红色的钟。自此之后,盗贼再也没有光临过。故事似乎难以置信,却没有其他合理的解释。
解析:本题是个细节题。根据题干中的Bruce Lee,考生可将答案定位在文章的第三段。李小龙听风水师的建议安装了镜子,但暴风雨打碎了镜子,所以保护房子的屏障没有了。
解析:本题是个建立在细节上的总结判断题。根据题干中的人名Milton Glaser,考生可锁定文章的最后一段。第一句话是主题句,风水在西方流行开来,而Milton Glaser之事仅仅是证明这个观点的例子。
解析:本题是个总结判断题。通观全文,可用排除法来选择正确答案。选项A、B、D只是风水师看风水时考虑的因素。而文章的一段,把风水解释为占卜(Feng-Shui, or the art of geomancy),接着说,在中国数世纪之前就很盛行。由此可以推断C为正确答案。
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