2007年12月大学英语六级考试真题试卷 - 作文
Digital Age
With the popularization of advanced technology and the reduction of prices for electric appliances, digital products have made their way into most people' s life nowadays, such as computers, cameras,mp3s, as well as mobile phones.
We don' t have to look very far to find out the effects digital
equipment has on all aspects around us. On the one hand, digital products greatly facilitate our work, study and life. For instance, on a

them. Take some young people as an example, they have been wasting too much time playing online games due to lack ofself-discipline and proper supervision.
In short, digital products act

influences are determined by the uses they are put to. We are
supposed to make most out of them while trying to avoid the possible side-effects.
该文从写作手法上看,可处理为以阐述为主、议论为辅的形式。首先,用1-2句话引出digital age 这个主题现

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