2007年12月大学英语六级考试真题试卷 - 精读
Section A
Questions 47 to 51 are based on the following passage.
Men, these days, are embracing fatherhood with the round-the-clock involvement their partners have always dreamed of-handling night feedings, packing lunches and bandaging knees. But unlike women, many find they're negotiating their new roles with little

47. Unlike women, men often get little

48. Besides supporting the family, men were also expected to ____.
49. Like women, men hope that their desire for a flexible schedule will be ___.
50. When Maring was on paternity leave, he was allowed by his company to work ____.
51. Christine Holm believes paternity leave provides a new kind of training for men in that it

47 mother's support network
48 climb the corporate ladder
49 taken seriously
50 in a home office
51 stress
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