
Section A

Directions:In this section,there is a short passage with 5 questions or incomplete statements.Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words on Answer Sheet 2.

Questions 47 to 51 are based on the following passage.

It was a bit of a shock when Toyota finally surpassed General Motors last week as the world's largest carmaker. In a very important sense-profitability-G.M. had not been on top in some time. More important, analysts say that G.M. has awakened to the challenge posed by Toyota and, although more difficult results lie ahead, the company may finally be moving in the right direction.

As global competition heats up, Americans will have to get used to having more of their companies fall from the top spot. How businesses respond will in no small way determine how well the United States succeeds in a world where it is no longer the unchallenged economic superpower.

A major reason that so many American companies were world-beaters(举世无双) in the last century was the unmatched size of their rich and relatively homogenous domestic consumer market, big enough by itself for cet6w.com, and bequeathing all the advantages of economies of scale for competition abroad. The United States economy is still the largest in the world, but ravenous (饿极了的) young markets in places like India and China make clear that it will not stay that way forever. There will be ever more competitors from all over selling all over, and ready to knock off those in the old guard if they make the wrong choices.

This is no reason for American business to despair; instead, it has to cet6w.com to stay competitive in a world beyond American dominance. Germany's recent success might serve as a model. Germany, with the world's third-largest economy, has been the world's largest exporter of goods the last four years. And, Americans who believe protectionism is needed to level the playing field should note, it has managed to do it without cheap labor. German businesses have prospered with a focus on quality and strong brands, and particularly with sophisticated niche products, from lasers to Porsches.

Germany's recent success was not accomplished painlessly. There were wrenching layoffs and rounds of cost cutting and outsourcing along the way. General Motors faces a particular set of challenges because in the mass-market automobile game, the huge upfront costs of designing and building cars make sales volume crucial. But Germany's export prowess proves that for a smart industrialized country, many small successes can add up to No. 1.

47. In what terms had General Motors not been on top in the listing of the world's major businesses?

48. According to the author, the success of American companies is determined in large measure by the way they will____________________________________________ posed by other economies.

49. The reason why American companies were more competitive in the past was the unmatched size of their rich and ____________________________________________.

50. Faced with challenges all over the world, what should corporate America do?

51. According to the author, the secret to Germany's recent success is that German businesses have attached great importance to _______________________.

Section A

47. 【答案】In terms of profitability.

48. 【答案】respond to/meet/answer the challenges

【解析】本题要求考生根据原文内容填充谓语部分,实际上问的是美国公司的成功之道,也就是说成功在很大程度上取决于什么因素。根据题意考生可定位到原文第二段第二句,不过考生要根据题意补写出the challenges这两个单词,答案方能完整。

49. 【答案】relatively homogenous domestic consumer market


50. 【答案】It has to cet6w.com to stay competitive.

【解析】本题是一个完整的问题,问的是美国商界应该采取哪些措施应对来自全球的挑战,考生要注意corporate America是个固定用法,意思是"美国商界(或企业界)",与原文中的American business同义。根据题意,考生可定位到原文第四段第一句的后半部分,即可确定答案。

51. 【答案】the export of quality and strong brands/exporting quality and strong brands

【解析】本题是一道标准的细节题,考生可根据题中的德国企业(German businesses)定位cet6w.com最后一句,尤其是其中的介词短语with a focus on quality and strong brands,再结合上文中所提及的出口,即可确定答案。

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