
Part ⅤError Correction(15 minutes)

The problems which face the learners of English can
be divided into three categories: psychological, culture, 62_______
and linguistic. The largest category seems to be linguistic.
When foreign learners first have the opportunity to speaking 63_______
to a native speaker of English, they may have a shock: they
often have little difficulty in understanding spoken English 64 _______
of native speakers. There are a number of reasons to this. 65 _______
First, it seems to students that English people speak very
quickly. Secondly,they say with a variety of accents. 66_______
Thirdly, different styles of speech are used in different
situations, for example, everyday spoken English, which is
colloquial and idiomatic, are different from the English 67 _______
used for academic purposes. For all of these reasons
students will have difficulty, mainly because we lack 68_______
practice in listening to English people speaking English.
What can a student do then to overcome these
difficulties? Well, obviously, he can benefit in attending 69 _______
English classes and he should take every opportunity
available to speak with native speakers of English. He
should be aware, consequently, that English people are, by 70 ____
temperament, often reserved and may be willing to start a 71 ____
conversation. So he should have the courage to take the initiative.

62. culture→cultural 词性错误,并列结构词性应该一致,此处应为形容词作定语。

63. speaking→speak 动词非谓语错误,opportunity to do sth.是固定搭配,此处to为不定式符号,而不是介词。

64. little→much/great 上下文逻辑错误,原文中的意思是"很难"听懂,而不是"容易"。

65. to→for 介词使用错误,reason for 是固定用法。

66. say→speak 谓语动词错误,cet6w.com动词speak,而say 是及物动词。

67. are→is 主谓不一致错误,主语是everyday English, 谓语就要用相对应的单数is,而不是复数are。

68. we→they 人称代词错误,根据上下文此处应该选择第三人称复数。

69. in→from 介词使用错误,benefit from 是固定搭配,意思是"从......中获益"。

70. consequently→however 连cet6w.com题实际上是逻辑错误,原文中应该是转折关系,而不是因果关系。

71. willing→unwilling 上下文逻辑错误,前文中的reserved意思是"矜持的",因此此处意思是"不愿意"开口说话。

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