
Section B
Passage One

Humanism originated in the study of classical culture, and humanities disciplines included grammar, rhetoric, history, poetry, and ethics. These subjects were all studied, whenever possible, in the original classical texts. The humanities curriculum conflicted directly with more traditional education that was based on scholasticism (经院哲学). A scholastic education concentrated on the study of logic, natural philosophy, and metaphysics, or the nature of reality. Scholars often clashed sharply over these two systems of education.

Underlying the differences between these two philosophies was the humanists'deep conviction that society had outgrown older ways of thought. According to the humanists, these ways of thought emphasized abstract speculation and relied too heavily on Christian teachings. Many of the humanists were townspeople who were not directly associated with the church. These urban residents tended to object to an educational system that was largely monopolized by the clergy and oriented to clerical needs. Humanists were accustomed to the ever changing, concrete activities of city life and found the rigid and closed systems of abstract thought to be both useless and irrelevant. In sum, humanism reflected the new environment of the Renaissance(文艺复兴). Its essential contribution to the modern world was not its concern with antiquity, but its flexibility and openness to all the possibilities of life.

Renaissance humanism was complex, with few unifying features beyond a common belief that humanity and society could be improved through a new kind of education based on a study of the classics. Humanists varied widely in the ways they applied these ideas to areas that interested them. Some humanists were mainly interested in rhetoric and Latin prose style, while others analyzed ancient texts to determine exact meanings. One group focused on ways to improve society in general, while Christian humanism applied the techniques of humanist scholarship to the study of church documents, particularly the Bible.

52. Why were the humanities subjects required to be studied in the original classical text?
A) The humanists believed that those texts were the best ones.
B) Humanism took its origin in classical works in many fields.
C) The humanists disliked their contemporary works.
D) The humanists wanted to be different from scholasticism.

53. Humanities curriculum differs from the scholastic education .
A) because humanists and scholastic scholars had different assumptions of society
B) because humanists were not interested in the scholastic curriculum
C) for many of the humanists were townspeople
D) because they were different in religious beliefs

54. Being townspeople, humanists .
A) enjoyed a better life
B) experienced different lives
C) were against educational changes
D) seldom went to churches

55. Humanism during the Renaissance .
A) was not different from other intellectual movements
B) applied new educational methods in training clergies
C) brought about great changes in the studies of the Bible
D) focused upon the study of the relations between man and society

56. The article can be best titled as .
A) Education in the Renaissance B) Humanism in the Renaissance
C) Debate on Education D) The New Education

Passage Two

Questions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage.

"Famine Threatens Millions!" Headlines such as this are unhappily frequent. The people of vast areas of the world's surface are ill-fed even in prosperous years. One season of widespread agricultural failure can plunge millions into disastrous famine.

Meanwhile world population is spiraling upward, and the most rapid increases are being made in just those regions where getting proper nourishment is the greatest problem. Today while the people of the"have"countries are well-fed and are piling up surpluses of foodstuffs, in the "have-not"countries more millions than ever are going hungry every day.

In recent years, however, there has been a great"awakening of the common man". People who previously had little contact with the outside world have begun to rub shoulders with people from other, better-developed countries.

They have begun to realize, as an expert puts it, that "poverty is not a God-given state of life." Moreover, the"have"nations of the world have begun to realize that no single nation, however prosperous, can exist for itself alone. The entire world is so bound together today by ties of trade and travel that poverty and famine anywhere threaten the richest of the nations along with the poorest. As a result, much thought and skilled effort are being devoted to improving food supplies in the underfed areas.

Many of the world's food problems are quite evident and can be attacked directly. "Some farmers are still using tools and methods dating back to prehistoric times," you may say. "Bring their methods up to date with modern tools and machines, teach them to fertilize and irrigate their soil, provide them with food seed and good animals to raise, and they soon will be producing plenty for all."

This approach is being followed; the agronomist in Greece, the farm expert in Afghanistan, and many others are doing all they can to improve agricultural techniques in countless widely scattered farm communities. But behind every problem that can be solved by machinery or a packet of seed or a sack of fertilizer looms a human problem having to do with what has long been known as social lag. Whenever you try to revolutionize the ways of a people, you run into a maze of intricate, interlocked problems. The behavior of human beings is complex and cannot be controlled as simple as the behavior of white mice in a laboratory. What seems an obvious solution may prove difficult, even impossible, to carry out.


57. The solution to the world's food problems depends on .
A) modern methods of farming
B) providing family farms
C) solving problems besides growing food
D) the help of the "have" countries

58. Conditions in the "have-not"countries are .
A) improving because of the development of economy
B) getting worse because of rapidly growing population
C) kept well by food from the "have" countries
D) better than the "have" countries in other senses

59. Most of the people in the world get .
A) enough food in the good years
B) insufficient food for all times
C) food from the "have" countries in bad years
D) richer than ever before

60. The main difficulty in solving the food problem is .
A) backward social and economical background
B) lack of information cet6w.com
C) conflicts between the"haves"and"have-nots"
D) lack enough funds to modernize agriculture

61. The word "maze"(Line 5,Para.6) is closest in meaning to .
A) "a light fog"
B) "a confusing situation"
C) "a well-defined circumstance"
D) "a mysterious condition"

Sebtion B
Passage One

52. B 推论题本题要求推导出"为何人文学科必须在原汁原味的古典文本中加以研究?" 根据问题定位到原文第一段第一、二两句,即可确定答案为B。A项原文没有提到,而C,D 两项则曲解了原文。

53. A 细节理解题根据文章内容,人文课程与经院哲学课程不同的根本原因是人文主义者与经院哲学家对社会的看法不同(见第二段第一句),而不仅仅是人文主义者对经院哲学课程不感兴趣的问题,因此排除B,选择A。C项答非所问,D项文中没有提及,故排除。

54. D 细节推断题本题问作为城市人的人文学者怎么样。根据原文第二段第三句"Many of the humanists were townspeople who were not directly associated with the church."可以判断答案为D项。因为文中没有比较,所以A项错误,B项则属于定位错误,并且对原文理解也有偏差,而C项则与原文意思相反。

55. C 细节题根据题干定位到原文第三段,实际上考查的是对最后一个细节的理解,因此不难得出答案。A项文中没有提到,B项中的训练神职人员错误,而D项则是将文中的原意"人类和社会都可以改进"错误地理解为人类和社会之间的关系。

56. B 主旨题这是一道典型的主旨题,要求考生确定文章标题。在做完上面的四道题后,考生对全文内容有了大致了解,因此不难得出答案为B。A 项太局限,C,D两项太广泛。

Passage Two

57. C 细节推论题文章最后一段的第二、三句的意思是:在每一个问题可以通过机械化或一包种子或一袋化肥解决的背后,还有一个很久以来大家所熟知的社会滞后的问题(social lag)。无论什么时候你想改革人们的一些具体做法,都会遇到一系列错综复杂的问题。因此确定答案为C。A项不够全面,B项文中没有涉及,而D项太笼统。

58. B 细节理解题根据题意定位到第二段,选项中的growing population和getting worse与原文中的population is spiraling upward和going hungry属于同义转述。

59. B 细节推论题根据题干定位到原文第一段第二句"The people of vast areas of the worlds surface are illfed even in prosperous years."可知即使是富饶之年很多人都吃不饱,饥灾之年就更不必说了。因此B项正确。A项与原文意思相反,C,D两项原文并未提及。

60. A 细节理解题根据题意可定位到原文最后一段的第二句,具体解析可参考上面的57题。

61. B 语义题本题考查一个超纲词在特定的上下文中的可能意思,考生需要重点研读原文中与该单词cet6w.com下文中的intricate, complex, seem simple but may prove difficult等一系列熟悉的词语,可以猜出该词的意思是B 项"一种令人困惑的局面"。

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