19. Bob on the Telephone 鲍勃在打电话

19. Bob on the Telephone 鲍勃在打电话

A: Hello, Pete. This is Bob. How are you?
B: Oh, I'm fine.
A: Where were you this afternoon? You missed an important lecture. Not sick, I hope. That's good. The next time you decide to skip class, check with me first. It wouldn't do for both of us to be absent. We need at least one complete set of notes. By the way, are you still in timewasting mood? Good. Why don't you come over after supper? Joe's off somewhere with date, and I don't feel much like working. About eight o'clock? Swell. And bring some records over, why don't you? Okay. See you then. Goodbye.

Skip class 逃课
Check with me 让我知道
Feel like-want to
Swell 好极了(口头语)
Time-wasting 觉得无聊的,没事可干


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