43. Leaving for Work 去上班

43. Leaving for Work 去上班

A: Joe, have you seen my umbrella? My rubbers are here in the hall closet, but the umbrella's disappeared.
B: Don't ask me. I wouldn't be caught dead with an umbrella.
A: Well, it isn't here, and a raincoat's too hot. Maybe I left it on campus. I'll just borrow your coat. Don't work too hard. Goodbye.
B: Hey, Bob. What'll I wear to work? Hey, Ahhh, he's gone. Well, I'll have another cup of coffee. Maybe the sun'll come out.

Rubbers 套鞋
I wouldn't be caught dead with an umbrella-I don't like to be seen with an umbrella(这是一句习惯用语,be caught dead with的意思是:被人发现有…)

A:乔,你看见我的雨伞了吗? 我的套鞋在客厅的壁橱里,但雨伞不见了。
B:别问我。 我从不愿别人看到我手里拿着一把伞。
A:嗯,可是这里还是没有, 穿雨衣又太热。也许我忘在校园里了。我就借你的雨衣吧。别工作得那么卖力。 再见。
B:嗨,我穿什么去上班? 嗨, 唉唉,他走了。好吧,我再来一杯咖啡,也许太阳就要出来。

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